Lachlan imagine for anyone

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Summary: you not so low key hated Lachlan, but when you're assigned as partners to look after a fake baby doll, well... you discover you hate him a less than you originally thought

Also I'm not 100% positive how these babies work kay?
cuddles <3

First person

"Listen up class!" the teacher snaps making everyone quiet down and pay attention to Ms. Henderson. "Today, class, were starting a new project with assigned partners. You and your partner will be acting as parents to a fake baby doll," she grabs a paper and walks over to the cork board posting it with a tack before turning around. "I just posted your partner and you all will spend the next thirty minutes of class getting to know each other and coming up with your baby's name and at the end you'll randomly pick your baby's gender, we'll talk about basics then you'll be on your merry way! You'll keep the baby for a month and each time you come to this class you'll switch parents and the baby will go home with your partner if you've had it for the past week. Ask me if you have any questions."

Everyone gets up to look at the paper but I stay sitting knowing my partner must've seen we've been paired so what's the point? Instead, I sit at my desk finishing my geometry homework waiting as everyone slowly diffuses from around the board, some people sitting together. "Hey," a voice interrupts me from my homework. I look up seeing Lachlan Power, the school douchebag. Fudge.
"Please tell me we aren't paired together," I groan rubbing my temples making him only let out a sarcastic 'ha'.
"Sorry I'm not what you wished for," Lachlan smirks amused with my despair. Our feelings of hated for each other were mutual. It was just a fact the (Y/F/N) and Lachlan Power despised each other.

"Gosh I can't wait for this month to be over," I mutter continuing to work on my homework ignoring him.
"Hey, if we don't start I'm naming the kid beef no matter which gender," Lachlan tuts taking the pencil out of my hand.
"Do whatever you want with the baby, I'll do my part then I'll be done," I mutter tabbing a new pencil out of my pencil pouch continuing my homework.

"Okay class! Time to come up with your partner and pick you gender and tell me the baby's name, no duplicate's!" she explains. The front row gets up and walks to her desk followed by the second row etc. Luckily, we were in the last row. "Last row," she calls up, Lachlan being the first one up.
"Come on, math girl, let's go," Lachlan urges grabbing my hand and basically pulling me up making me stumble before gaining my balance and glaring at him. We walk up to the teacher and she smiles holding out a plastic container with folded pieces of paper and Lachlan reaches his hand out pulling a piece out. He hands it to me, motioning me to open it and I do seeing a big 'G' printed showing it to Lachlan then Ms. Henderson.

"Daddy's girl, eh?" she smiles amused before asking, "what the name?" Lachlan and I exchange glances forgetting to discuss names before. Crap.
"Um," I begin racking my brain for a good girl name. Nothing generic, but nothing trashy.
"Rose." Lachlan bursts looking at me. Better than nothing.

(sorry if your name is Rose both in case I offended you which I didn't mean to and yeah but you can name it whatever)

"Okay than," she reaches beside her desk and pulls out a baby doll with a pink baby beanie and a carrier handing the baby to me and carrier to Lachlan. "Make sure to support her head, we'll discuss the other things later." She explains before telling us to go back to our seats. I bounce her in my arms slightly, her creepy doll eyes closed.

"We made this child," Lachlan fake sniffs wiping his eye as if he actually just became a father.
"Oh shut up," I retort still holding the baby.
"At least let me hold our daughter," he pouts sitting int he chair next to me.
"Fine, but if you drop her, I will not hesitate to kill you," I warn giving the baby off to him.

"How dare she talk like that to her baby's father," Lachlan scowls sarcastically rocking the baby. Everyone else's babies were crying,but not ours. Maybe because the teacher gave us her like that... or maybe she just doesn't work right, who knows! "You should come over to my place after. I want to get to know my baby's mother more," he explains not looking up the doll as if it were a real baby.

"Little road block Lachlan, I don't have a particular liking to you," I explain making him roll his eyes putting the baby in the carrier and putting the blanket that was provided over it.
"Why do you hate me anyway? At least give me a chance," Lachlan explains.
"Fine, but if you screw this over for me, I'll become your worst nightmare."
"How can I be so scared to someone who's a good couple inches shorter than me."
"You'd be surprised."

~le time skip~

I walked in after Lachlan with the carrier on my arm into his house. "Want anything to munch on?" Lachlan asks before we go upstairs to his room. I shake my head as he grabs a bottle of water out of the fridge before guiding me up the stairs. "Hey mom, I brought a girl home! We're going to discuss a project," he states peeking his head into one room. I hear shuffling in front of him and I'm met with a women who resembles Lachlan very much, of course, besides his height.
"Oh hello," she greets with a warm smile, "I'm Lachlan's mom, but you can call me Debra (idk)." She explains shaking my hand.

"I'm (Y/N) I respond returning the smile, before she notices the carrier in my hand and looking back at Lachlan who just gives her a "I'll explain later" look.
"Well, you two have fun, but not too much fun," she jokes grinning again.
"Mom!" Lachlan draws out in protest making his mother laugh before leaving. He once again leads me to his room and once we enter, I set the baby on his dresser and sit on his bed while he sits on his office chair.

"Tell me about yourself," he begins making me sigh pondering what I could tell him.

~le time skip #2~

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Lachlan asks snapping me out of the thoughts about my phone.
"When you grow up, do you want to have actual kids?"
"I mean- I'm not sure. That's so far away. I have to find one first," I explain looking up at the ceiling. "Why? Do you?"
"Yeah. Of course, first I want to find someone to love and spoil, but then I want someone else who I can love and spoil just as much," he explains with a small sigh.

His explanation made me smile knowing that he felt that way. Yeah, you could say I was growing on him I guess. "That was sweet, Lachlan."

"Listen, (Y/N), I know you hate me, for whatever reason, but I just- when someone mentions you... I just get this feeling in my stomach and I blush and... I just can't help it. You just make me feel so different. When I say we were paired together, I had to keep myself from fainting and you just make me feel... some way," he rambles. In the middle, I sat up watching as he looked down as his hands fumbles with each other in his lap. "And you're just so pretty and-"

"Shut up and cuddle me, you loser," I interrupt making him look up with a smile and a slight rose blush on his cheeks before he walks wrapping his hands around my waist pulling me into his jest and I wrap my arms around him.

"I guess what I was trying to say is that, I really like you, (Y/N) and I was wondering if you'd like to go out some time," he states pulling me closer (if that was possible).

"Of course, you doofus." I could practically see the smile on his face before he kissed my forehead and we just laid there for what felt like forever.

So maybe it took a baby to bring us together, but in the end, we knew where we belonged. We belonged with each other.

That was 1450 words omg xD

sorry I never uploaded a Christmas preference and it's a little to late (a little too wrong and I can't waaaait) to upload one now 🌚

I hope you all liked the cuddle session in the end :)

Dear Kayla,
I'm sorry I haven't responded
I've been writing this 😂
It was with your bae so I hope that made up for it xD
~love Kdawg

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