Vikk imagine for Kayla

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Note: okay I personally beleive girlfriends/boyfriends shouldn't beg for their youtuber partner to spend time with them when they're busy with videos, but the three acceptations are an anniversary, of its been a super long amount of time, to and their birthday
I personally think that should be the same for every couple but there was always acceptations and stuff so ya and I know some of you might not agree but I think that and ya

Btw I'm in this :P hope you don't mind <3

Also it's really long so there's quite a few POV switches sorry if this was an actual fanfic I would've split it up

Vik's POV
I can't believe it. She's gone. I've lost the light of my life over one silly mistake.

I wake up to a buzzing coming from my monitor. Someone was sky ping me. my limbs were heavy and my brain felt like mush probably because I had to stay up late recording and editing videos since I have a big trip to America.

I still have many videos to get done today and it was probably Lachlan or one of the guys trying to contact me for our scheduled recording. Not to my surprise it was Lachlan so I answer trying to wake myself up in the process.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" Lachlan asks probably noticing the dark circles under my eyes.
"Y- ya. Not much. I still have so much left to do." I groan feeling a small surge of energy go throughout my body but quickly leave as soon as it came
"Mate, you really need to take a nap or something. It'll be worth it." He says, but I just shake my head.

"I can't. I'm already behind and I really need to get a head start." I explain which makes him sigh.
"Have you talked to Kayla today?" He asks and I shake my head. I really should, but I might not be able to.
"No Lachlan. I really need to record something so if we aren't going to record then I need to go."

"Geez dude. Fine lets record." He rolls his eyes and we both pull up our recordings.

*after the recording*

Lachlan outros the video of H2M and right before I, about to end the call he stops me. "Vik. You really need to talk to Kayla."
"Lachlan, you don't know the kind of stress I'm under right now. I still have over ten videos (idk really just go with it) that I need to get finished and I'm really behind. I should have three done by now but only have one." I state sternly.

"Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." He ends the call on the negative note, but I ignore it and start on another video.

Kayla's POV (still a flashback)
I was on high alert all day hoping Vik would call me soon or at least text. I know he has a big trip planned soon so I don't expect him to do much more. His job is important to him and I don't want to intrude that. (not to make Vik sound kind of... like that)

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I quickly fish it out of my pocket seeing it's only from Kylie. Crap. I sigh and answer it. "Has he said anything yet?" She asks anger lacing her voice.
"No. Don't worry about Kylie. He's probably just really busy. I'm sure he'll remember."

"He should've responded by now! How could he not of."
"He's busy. Just give him another hour before you storm over there and rip his head off." I joke making her sigh.
"I might just have to do that." She chuckles. "I'm really sorry, Kayla." I sigh in response hanging my head slightly.

"It's okay. He'll remember."
"I have to go. I'm really sorry I can't be there. Happy birthday again."
"Thank you. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay." She hangs up and I set the phone down. All of the sudden I feel tears rush down my cheeks and I quickly wipe them away as if I had to hide them from someone, but I don't.

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