Chapter 4

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Sofia's POV
After school
"I'm here" I say as I walk into Ms. Chen class

"Good, you can start arranging this pile of books while I wait for Hugo" Ms. Chen say as she point to a few huge pile of books

Great... This is gonna take forever. He better get his butt here right away

I then walk towards the pile of books as I took a chair with me.

"Make sure all the books are arrange according to this list" she then hand me a piece of A4 paper

"Yes miss" I anwser

I then place the first pile of  book on the table one by one, follow by the second pile

"I'm here!" Hugo then came rushing into the classroom

"What took you so long- Never mind just go over there and help Sofia out"

"Alright Miss" He say as he walk towards

"Why are you late?" I ask

"There's so much books- The teacher wouldn't let us out. Well what are we doing now" he ask

"We have to arrange all this pile of books, so that the students could have it. To be persice, it's like how you buy  new books and how they are handed out" I explain

"Alright, so I see that you're on the second pile" he say as he look at the books

"Correct Mr. Genius" I say as I smile at him

"I'll take that as a compliment" he say as he walk towards the books "I'll continue with the thrid pile then"

I then nod my head as I continue to place the second pile of books onto the first book

After being held in this class for a long time. We were finally done with the books.

"FINALLY!" Hugo say as he stretch his back

"Yup, off to Derby now I guess" I say as I grab my school bag

"Thank you for your help today" Ms Chen thanked us "And I hope you two will behave in my lesson from now on. "

"Yes miss" both of us reply

"Good, off you go" she say as the both of us walk out of the classroom

"I'm gonna go change now, see you later" I say as I wave towards Hugo

"Same here, I'll see you soon" he anwser with a smile

I then walk into the changing room as I grab my bag of Derby clothes with me. I wasn't the only one who was in there.. A group of princesses, which no one likes.

"Why hello Sofia" she say

"Leave me alone Claris" I say as I walk past them

"Where do you think you're going?" One of them then stop me

"Can you please move out of the way? " I say as I look at her

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