Chapter 51

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Sofia's POV

Sitting in this huge historical designed library and with few students on this level is just the right environment for me. Not forgetting the aroma of coffee from the cafe.

"How many more to go?" 

"3 more." I replied, resting my head on the palms of my hand. Hugo nodded his head while grabbing one of the books from the table.

What's interesting about these assignments is the subject, which is world history. But no matter how fun it is to work on these assignments, fatigue hits when the temperature is too warm.  

I lay my head down on the table, taping my mechanical pencil aggressively on my work, letting out a few yawns. Hugo suddenly stood up from his seat and walked away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I asked him as I quickly stood up from my seat. Surprisingly every inch of tiredness was gone within that second.

Hugo stops, looking at me with that smile of his, "Aren't you tired?" slowly walking back towards the table. "I'm going to get us some coffee."

Once Hugo brought our drinks over, I couldn't help but to return him the money that he used to pay for my drink. There's no doubt that he'll reject it.

"Take it!" I whisper shouted "It's my drink, let me pay for it myself!" still trying to forcefully squeeze the money into his palm.

Hugo intertwined his finger tightly, preventing any possible way for me to placed that money on to him. "Sofia stop! There's no need to pay me back."

"He said he'll treat, so let it be, " Eleanor slammed the books on to the table making a loud thump sound. "Why history. Why couldn't it be math? I prefer calculating than all of these." Her hand gestures were so much that we couldn't not stop whatever was in the way before she got here.

Eleanor soon grabbed all the books that she had just slammed, plastering a huge grin on her face. At that very moment I knew right away that she would ditch us, that grin will never have any good intention behind it.

To be honest, right now I would rather spend some time alone with Hugo. But there is no way to think about that right now, we needed Eleanor so that we could finish that one assignment as a group.

"Oh look at the time, I have a date to go to. You two have fun!" She covered her mouth dramatically as her eyes kept looking at every corner of the room. Trust me she could have gone and pursued a job as an actress.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled out a chair beside me for her to sit. "Quit lying and put those books down." I crossed my legs while resting one of my arms on the top rail of my seat.

As Eleanor would do in this kind of situation was ...... "Mom? " answering a fake phone call from literally anyone. "Mom called, you two have fun." without wasting any time Eleanor started skipping off happily with quite an amount of thick books in her basket.

Hugo and I stared at Eleanor as she skipped down the stairs. I let out a sigh, refocusing back onto my history assignments.

 "I thought she would stop using those tricks, she used to pull them  all the time." said Hugo, setting aside one of his books.


Minutes later, I found myself struggling with one of the questions. None of the reference texts or answers were written in any of the books I picked out. 

I wanted to ask Hugo for help, but as I lifted my head to look at him, he was so busy memorizing stuff that I wouldn't want to interrupt. I tried not to make any sound as I moved away from my seat. 

My eyes were focused on every sign labelled on the top of each isle until I found the isle that I was looking for --- World history. Eventually, I found the book I was looking for. One problem about this library is the height of the bookshelf and the fact that the book that I needed is way out of my reach.

I paced around the area to find a ladder or a stepping stool but none of the ttem were in sight. For now, the only way to get the book is through communication. Lucky for me I was able to find a tall guy two isles down from here.

"Excuse me, umm hey. Would you mind helping me to grab a book?" I asked while fidgeting with  my fingers. "I couldn't find any stepping stool around here."

The guy agreed as he followed me down to the history books section. I pointed out towards the book I needed. "That's the one, could you help me please?" I asked politely. 

"Ah, so this is why you're taking such a long time," a voice said. 

As soon as I turned to face him, one of Hugo's hand reached out forward grabbing the book I asked for. Another hand of his was pinning on to the bookshelf, it was obvious that he had that one escape route close up. Am I being pinned?

Not wanting to look straight ahead onto Hugo's chest, I slowly tilted my head up to see what he was doing. Right now I can hear the thumping sound of my heart, paying that he won't hear it.

Hugo's hand slowly push the book back into the shelf then lower his head. That's when our eyes met. Hugo bend down a little as he lean forward, having our eyes at quite the same height. That now dark green eyes of his had me mesmerized, how did I not notice how beautiful his eyes are? I wonder how it's like under the sun.

While I was busy mesmerising Hugo's eyes, I had already forgotten how close he is to me right now. I could feel some of his hot breath touching the surface of my skin, which got me flushing. That once cold surrounding turns hot within an instant. 

I'm trying to composed myself with the current situation I'm facing right at this moment because that guy probably is still here. "What are you doing?" I whispered "Let me out, there's someone here."

"Where?" He asked with a grin on his face.

The moment I turn right. The person is already gone. He must have seen everything, this is embarrassing. I quickly cover up my face from embarrassment with my two hands. Hopefully that person would forget who I am.

"You could've ask me for help." Hugo said soothingly as his hand gently grab my hand away from my face.

"You were busy, I didn't want to interrupt you." my eyes were focusing on my hand which is still in Hugo's grip.

Hugo leaned even more closer to me, my lips started to tremble knowing that our lips are inches apart.

His eyes stared at my lips not even looking directly in my eyes " I really wish I could kiss you right now." he whispered, his eyes slowly dragging away from my lips to the side of his eyes.

Hugo pressed his lips together before backing up from that position. In that moment, without thinking much I held his cheeks as I kiss him on the lips.

It was short and shocking yet memorable, who would've thought that I'm gonna make the first move.

As I pulled away from the kiss, I realised that this is my first time seeing Hugo so flustered. But for Hugo, it didn't take long for him to 'return' a kiss back to me.

I do not want this kiss to end just yet, I wish this would keep on going forever. The feeling of placing my arms around him felt so secure.
This time it felt different, it was soft and passionate, but I believe we both knew this kiss came with lots of denials, ups and downs, trials and decision to make just to get here.

I really love you.

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