Chapter 5

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Sofia's POV
(on the phone)
Eleanor : After breakfast around 11.30a.m . Valley Mall don't forget

Sofia: Will never, don't worry 🤡

Eleanor : Do you think I should wear the dress that I wore for the ball in Carose?

Sofia: You could. That dress is nice though.

Eleanor: What about you?

Sofia : Something comfy probably. Legging? 🧐

Eleanor : Are you serious? Gurl? Nu-uh go find something cute or something nicer than a pair of legging ☠️☠️

Sofia : Why though, it's super comfyyyy

Eleanor : Are you seriously wearing that? You know like for once, well maybe not once but you get to wear something nice in front of Hugo!

Sofia : Hugo? Why would I? We see each other sometimes, when James invite his friends over

Eleanor : Wait don't tell me you haven't notice 😬😬
Eleanor : Hugo likes you like 'like likes' you

Sofia : Seriously Eleanor? He's just a friend. A best friend I would say. Beside I don't like him in that way 😕

Eleanor : You're blind 👀 Really

Sofia : I don't think he like me in that way as well 🤔 You're just shipping people to hard El 😬

Eleanor : Whatever 😒 Well see you later.

Sofia : See you


I then place my phone on the nightstand as I walk into my closet.
Eleanor told me to wear something nice though other than my comfortable legging. While I search through my closet, a knock then came knocking on my door

"Sofia, may I come in?" The voice ask

"Sure, I need your help by the way!" I say as loud as I can since I'm in my closet searching for some clothes

"So what's your problem?" Amber say as she walk into my closet

"I can't find a pair of nice clothes to put on" I say as I lay on my floor as a sign of giving up on searching

"Don't worry" She say as she started searching my closet "You have me here for a reason"

"So what's the ocassion? A date?" she ask

"Just a hangout with some friends" I reply

"Hangout.... Where? The park? The mall? The streets? The castle? Cafe?..."

"The Mall"

"Which Mall? Eastern Cliff? Levire mall? Or...."

"Do you need to be that specific?" I ask

"Uhhh yes of course" she say as she turn to face me "I need to know where so you can dress according to the location"

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