Chapter 13

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Sofia's POV
"Oh my gosh, I finally get to meet Owen Williams!" said Eleanor as she open her locker

"I would totally be his girlfriend" I said jokingly

"He has millions of them. Including me" she then gave me a smirk

A figure then lean against my locker with his bag slinging onto his side "Be who's girlfriend" he asked

"Owen's girlfriend" I said as I turn to him

"Why don't you be mine?" Daxton asked casually with a smirk

"What?" I gave him a confuse look as if I heard him wrongly

"Why don't you be mine" he repeated again

Suddenly I could feel my face burning up as if I'm gonna run away from this reality "Excuse me?" I asked still feeling the heat on my cheeks

"You heard me, why don't you be mine?" he said again "I like you and I believe you have the same feelings towards me too"

"I uhh...."

"You don't like me do you? I umm sorry for asking just forget that I ever asked that " said Daxton as he turn his back towards me and walk away

"Waittttt! Noooo !" I shouted

I then sat up as I look around "It's just a dream.... It's just a dream" I said as I calm myself down

That dream.... I can't be seriously in love with Daxton right? This is so frustrating

I then take a look at the time on my clock which is on my nightstand. 3.30 a.m

Seriously? This type of dream at this hour?

I then lay back down as I try to get some sleep. Hopefully some better dreams than this.

After a few hours of sleep, I was actually kinda relief that I wasn't again woke up by Daxton love confession. I couldn't like him, even if I do I still couldn't do anything about it since he like Sienna.

As I thought about Sienna and Daxton. I felt a sharp object just poke through my heart as if I was jealous about the fact that he likes someone else. Wait what am I even thinking?! Arghhh!

I then took a pillow and cover my face as I let out a scream just to release all of this weird stuff going on in my brain

"What are you doing?" said a figure as he stood somewhere around the room

I then lift my head up as I saw James leaning against my door "Nothing"

"Come on I know something is  bothering you. You can tell me" said James with a smile as he walk towards me

"Really I'm fine" I replied

"Shouting with your face buried into your pillow on an early morning isn't normal nor fine" he said

"What if I don't want to say?" I asked as I look at him

"If you're not willing to say I won't force you to say it" James then place a hand on my shoulder "Well maybe.... I thought that if you say it out to someone about your problem, it would be much more better than holding it all to yourself"

James then stood up and gave me a smile "Since you don't want to talk about it now, I'll be going then" he said "Hope you feel better after shouting with a pillow in your face" he then sniggered as he walk towards the door

"It's not funny, you know. It's kinda good for releasing stress" I said "But wait"

James then turn his head to face me waiting for me to continue

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