Chapter 44

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Sofia's POV

As I pass through the big doors of the school, the sight that is glistening in front of me, straight up taking my breath away. The hallways and the school lobby is sparkling beautifully as they were before, the chandeliers that are hanging down from the ceiling were brighter than ever. The bifurcated staircase from the school lobby was also covered in fake leaves as decoration, within it was hiding wires and wires of firefly lights.

Our juniors are definitely trying their best to make this graduation perfect. Every year, the school's graduation ceremony are all planned by the students, freshmen till junior year. Just looking at the juniors placing the final touches to their decoration, reminds me of us. Remembering how Eleanor always gives out the most ideas to our seniors, and how we usually stayed back after school until we could even see the moonlight shines into the buildings darkest corner.

I slowly admire the view while walking towards the classroom that we, seniors, are suppose to gather. Suddenly a person came rushing in my direction and as soon as I opened the door, Eleanor revealed herself. "Look," she said pointing towards her graduation pin "They prepared a sunflower pin for us." Eleanor then handed me my pin, signaling me to put it on.

I placed the sunflower pin onto my dark green blazer, just above my school badge. A strong force then pulls me to lean in "Say cheeseeeee," Eleanor said, holding up her phone, trying to take a photo of us.

"No, I look so weird," Eleanor said "But it's gonna be such a waste if I delete this, you look so pretty with that dumbfounded face." I let out an awkward laugh and told her we could take as much as possible if there is time. Sooner later, one of the teacher came in to gather us all for the graduation ceremony.

As I take a step outside into the school's field, I was astonished by the decoration, my tears were that close from rolling down when the ceremony has not even started. We are soon sorted into our class number starting from the letter A. Each chair was placed with a white academic dress, a white mortar board and a hand written card that was placed above the mortar board.

There were not much graduand this year, luckily for the four of us, we get to sit in a seat that is not far apart from each other. I then put on my academic dress and my mortar board. Looking at myself putting on this graduation robe, I can't believe 5 years had already passed by, it still felt like I just walked through the doors of Corinthian's Sports school as a 13 year old yesterday.

I turn my sight onto Hugo who is sitting a chair away me, my eyes were lock onto him. I don't know why I just could not take my eyes off him, his hair, his green eye, and that smile of his, which I was completely mesmerized by it. It didn't take long for Hugo to notice me starring at him.

I never felt this embarrassed before, I wanted to turn away quickly but only to find myself freezing on the spot. I'm always looking at Hugo. Whenever I have a conversation with him, I'm looking at him, and it's even a normal thing to be looking at your friend. But this, this is different, I feel different. It's different from how I view others, even more different from how I view Daxton, who I claim that I'm in love with.

"Is there something on my face?" asked Hugo, placing his hand onto his cheeks "You've been starring for quite a while now,"

"No, there isn't," I replied, shaking my head. Hugo then gave me a nod before continuing his conversation with his friends. That was so embarrassing!

The graduation ceremony went smoothly, there wasn't a single student that had their tears rolling down to their cheeks, knowing that we will all be in the same school again next semester. Before we could leave our seats, performance from our school's sports teams were magnificent. The flying derby team were flying across the sky, leaving flower petals falling from the sky while the winter sports team turn the school field into a winter wonderland.

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