Chapter 25

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Sofia's POV
"Elisha no-" said Daxton as he walk in "I heard what you said"

"Elisha yes" said Elisha as she place her hand over his shoulder

"Older siblings-" Daxton and I said together

Daxton then look at me as he then laugh making me chuckle at what the both of us had just said

"Nice" said James with a grin "Ouch" he then gave Amber a glare

"Give them a break will ya?" said Amber as she fold her arms

I walk towards Elisha dresses as I then pick a simple navy blue shirt with a pair of jeans. After choosing the outfit, I then head towards the changing room to change into something clean, before coming out from the room I quickly tie my hair into a low ponytail so that it kinda matches the outfit

As soon as I open the door, I saw Daxton standing outside of it with his arms fold. He then lift his head up and gave me a mile before walking towards me

"You look pretty" said Daxton "Uh it's not that you are not pretty before- no- you are always pretty-"

"Thank you" I said as my hands reach out to his face. I didn't know what was I even doing as I lean forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek leaving him speechless

"I shouldn't have done that- sorry" I said as I step back

"No- no its fine, totally-" said Daxton as his eyes tries not to come into contact with mine

"Well umm anyways- why were you standing here?" I asked

Daxton hesitated for awhile as his hands then grab onto mine "Follow me" he then gave me a wink before leading me to an unknown place

After walking around the castle, Daxton soon stop in his tracks as he look around the area before going through some bushes

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me"

After passing the bushes we then came through a tree in the middle of a wall of bushes. Daxton then went up to the tree as he pulled a string which makes the tree fade away. As we passed through that holographic tree, everything feels magical with strong positive energy filling the place

The place is covered with trees, plants and animals. Flying horses were flying freely in the sky, swans are floating above the lake peacefully, even the butterflies are in many different colour.

"This place is incredible-" I said as I slowly twirl around

"Like it?" asked Daxton

"No- I love it!" I said as I turn my head towards him

"I'm glad you like it" said Daxton with a smile. He then grab my hand again as he lead me to a wooden table with chairs. Daxton then went over to the table as he pulled out a chair for me to sit on before getting a seat of his own

"So Sofia-" said Daxton "What if I say I like you? What will you do?".

I froze for awhile after hearing him saying the words 'like you', no this can't be happening now right

"It's not that I don't like you- I of course love you as a friend you know? I just wanna tell this special girl who is yo- I mean just like you" said Daxton with an awkward laugh

So there's a girl? And I bet it's Sienna, since he did told me before about crushing on Sienna. Actually once I was totally comfirm about him liking me, I thought Sienna was just a name so that he could cover up his feeling towards me. I even think that he actually like likes me. I feel so ridiculous right now for thinking about that. Elisha did said he has been talking about me but maybe that was in the past. But it hurts really......

"Well uhh-" I said as I try to think of an answer "If you're sincere enough, you might catch her heart maybe a romantic confession under the stars?"

"What about you? What would you like?" asked Daxton "She's really similar to you, so I'm guessing whatever you like she'll like too"

"I uhh- I don't really know" I said as I look at him "What do you think she would like?"

Daxton then look up into the sky as he let out a breath before speaking "She likes flying Derby- ummm she's not from our school haha if that's what you think- be-because you're the only girl who does flying Derby here" said Daxton as he didn't make any eye contact with me

"Dax, are you nervous?" I asked "Why are you stuttering?"

Daxton then shook his head as he answered "I don't know?"

"Relax, she might feel the same way towards you too like hello? A girl literally steal your first kiss without your permission" I said as I laugh

Daxton then glare at me as he groaned "Ugh don't remind me that, that was the worst"

I then laugh at his comment which only make him rolled his eyes. Suddenly Daxton phone started ringing as he excuse himself from the table

The Sienna girl must be very lucky to have Daxton falling head over heels for her, I know I can't do anything to sabotage his relationship once he starts dating the girl, but I'm not thinking on destroying his love for Sienna

But really, it hurts to think that someone you cared and loved for is soon to be with someone else. Faith brought him to me as a friend, a best friend but is faith gonna make him my boyfriend? I don't think so

"Let's go Sofia" said Daxton as he walk back to the table "We don't want anyone thinking that I kidnapped you, do we?"

"Of course I do- don't yes! Of course I don't" I said as I got up from my seat

Daxton then look at weirdly as if there's something wrong with me, I then gave him the eye signal to go back to the castle and not just staring at me like I'm some zoo animal. Once we reached the backdoor of the castle, we went in to the castle to find James and Amber so that we could leave the castle together and back to our parents.

We then bid our good byes to the Royal family as we then sat on their coach and back to the strawberry farm.

We decided to stay at the strawberry farm a little while longer, so that we could blend a few cups of strawberry juice before going back to Enchancia

I don't know why but I always zoned out to Daxton, am I even heartbroken or is it just some kind of a feeling that makes me regretting on not telling him sooner? If only I haven't burried this feeling for years, maybe things would be different.....

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