Chapter 49

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Sofia's POV

Winter break started a week ago and  Christmas is just hours away from now. Currently walking in a crowded town, wandering around, and to find a last minute present for Amber. Even though this place is extremely crowded, it is still one of the chilliest nights ever.

Christmas carols are being sung at every part of town which brings joy to each and everyone who walked by. Moreover, there's a long queue filled with children waiting for their turn with Santa and Mrs Claus. 

I just love how the town is decorated in colourful decorations, it's not that the town never did much decorating in the past, but every year their different decorating techniques never fail to surprise me.

I should be spending time with my family back in the castle on Christmas Eve but here I am, walking around town to find Amber's present. I put lots of thoughts in to Amber's gift and that is because Amber owns almost everything. I wanted to find something that would motivate her when she feels stress about her work load as the crown princess.

After lots of thinking, I decided to give her a picture of our family to show her that we will always be there whenever things gets rough. Even though the hallway of our castle has lots of Enchancia's family pictures from generation to generation but a small picture frame on her desk would be nice.

After receiving the frame and picture from a photography store, I continued to wander around the town before heading back to the coach. Not far from where I stood, there was a small coffee shop with lots of customers walking hustling and bustling in and out from the shop. With the door swinging open and shut, the sweet aroma of coffee beans caught my attention.

My feet started moving on their own until I arrived at the corner of the shop. The store was fully furnished with cozy interiors which approaches as a warm cottage for people who wants to feel comfortable in the freezing weather.

I suddenly spotted something unimaginable while admiring the coffee shop. I want to believe that I am not seeing wrong. That girl, from Hugo's class she is here, but with Daxton. My heart dropped, no where near the part of shattering in to pieces. 

I don't want to jump into conclusions, but all I could do is to watch them from a far. 

He lied. Daxton lied.

That was all I could think of. Why did he not tell me the truth? So all this time, all this time he was spending his time with her? Could it be that every call he received on our date was her, that he had to leave oh so urgently?

The fact that he told me about being busy with his family was a lie. He had to help his parents, another lie. My mind went blank, I had no idea how to react. What would a person do when they see their partner cheating on them? Feel sad? Angry? All I feel is confusion with little mixture of anger. I am angry because he lied. Confuse? Do I actually love him or did I never even love him to begin with?

If I loved him, would I barge in and ask for an explanation? I could see myself doing that, but with Daxton there is nothing I could ask.

Daxton placed his hand on her cheeks, teasing her even placing a kiss on her forehead. Those were the stuff we did as well. Ah, I guess my heart aches a little. This is probably what I get for being too....naive, too desperate for love.

Soft icy white flakes started to fall on my hand. It was snowing, what a timing. The beginning of this year's White Christmas for me is catching my boyfriend cheating. Now, I could not get my eyes off them.

Without realizing, a strong force pulled me in to their embrace. I could not respond in time to see who it was,  "That's enough." a calming voice said, refraining me from looking elsewhere. By the voice, I knew it was Hugo. How is he always here whenever something BIG happens. "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Tears started rolling down involuntarily. Am I crying because Daxton cheated? I don't think so, more of how Hugo is here at such a timing.

"If it hurts, don't hold back just let it out," such soothing words. "No one can see you either." a hand patted my head softly.

There is no reason to cry but I could not help it. I want to hug him tightly, will it be wrong to hug him? 


Now sitting on a bench out of sight from people, I finally calm myself down from crying. The atmosphere between us was silent. No one spoke, there was also a distance between us while sitting, which I am not fond of it.

"Better?" Hugo said taking off his scarf, then placing it over me "It's freezing, this will help to keep you warm."

"What about you? You'll get cold too, take it back."

Hugo gave me a warm smile "Don't worry about me, you need it more." 

Silence again. I never liked the silence between us so I gather up the courage to talk "I'm sorry you have to see that."

"What are you saying? It's normal to cry," Hugo looked up in to the sky."I know you're strong Sofia, but you can't always be strong right? There are always times where there's too much weighing over you that you just have to let it out." 

Hugo then patted the seat right next to him, "Come closer, it's getting colder." As I move closer to him, he took my hands and held it tightly. "You're not wearing any gloves so I'll keep you warm this way."

I could feel my heart beating loudly, fearing that Hugo might hear it. My body heated up in an instant. A slight thought ran through my mind. What a ridiculous thought it was, how could I ever lay my head on his shoulder when I just caught my boyfriend cheating.

It's not wrong if I love him right?

I widened my eyes with what I just thought to myself. Love. I love Hugo?

"Here, I have something to give you." Hugo then pulled out a small note from his pocket. 

I was shock to see the cursive words written in the note. 

Merry Christmas, Sofia.

The same writing that I've been receiving since I studied in that library during exam month in high school. It was Hugo. I never suspected him because he acted so surprised when I told him about it. Not only that but he even help me to look for clues in the library.

" It was you." 

"Surprise surprise."

I fell for him long ago. Why did I not know, to be more accurate, I was trying to bury my feelings for him while using Daxton. 

I guess both me and Daxton had no clue what love is about until now. Seems as if we were just using each other from since the beginning. I don't have the rights to call him a cheater as I was also using him to hide my true feelings for someone.

Placing my head onto Hugo's shoulder, feeling at ease, "Thank you," I whispered. "For everything."

"I should be thanking you for everything." said Hugo "From the very day I met you." there was a short paused before he continue. "So thank you Sofia."

I really do love him.

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