Chapter 32

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Sofia's POV
As we were running down the pavements, towards the noise of destruction. We met Hugo who was running towards our direction, alongside with Nino.

"What are you guys doing? Turn back!" called out Hugo pulling my hand towards the other direction

The only person who didn't move was Daxton, he stood still in his position looking towards the large villain who is walking towards our direction

"Is that Eleanor?" he finally spoke turning his head towards Hugo, who was still grabbing my arm "Is that her?" he asked again

"We do not know" replied Hugo "We gotta go, I don't want any of you to get caught in danger"

"Wait" I stopped Hugo before he could take a step further "Where's Marinette and Alya?" I asked "And the guy, Adrien?"

"Marinette said she has to check on her parents, Alya went along with her" anwsered Nino "And for my dude, he gotta go, his bodyguard was waiting"

I nodded my head understandingly, and started to move my legs so that the four of us could be safe. We then went into hiding, which is quite far from the scene, but suddenly a loud crash came from the outside.

"Chat Noir" said Daxton in a whispered kinda voice, he been flung away by the villain we saw before running into hiding

"Don't move" said Chat Noir as he stood up "especially you" he pointed towards Daxton "It's sorta after you" he added a uncertain laugh trying to lift up the tension, he then extended his staff, leaving the place immediately

Daxton didn't know what to do as he look into Hugo and my eyes "It's my fault, I caused it"

Nino, who was with us, placed his hand behind his neck trying to find some words to say, with his mouth open and shut.

"Dax, really, don't blame yourself" said Hugo with his hand around my shoulder "Tell him" he then look at me

"Like I told you before, it's not your fault, it's not hers" I continued

"I agree dudette, I mean- your majesty" Nino corrected himself "We all make mistakes sometimes"

Daxton didn't said a word, watching the fight which is happening right outside. We have nowhere to run right now, as to only follow the orders that were given by Chat Noir.

"DAXTON WHERE ARE YOU" shouted the villain or should I known as Eleanor but a different version of her

I shook my head to signal Daxton, not to go anywhere and just stay put. But Daxton, without any hesitation, ran outside of the building making Hugo to run after him as well

"Maybe I can talk things out with her" said Daxton turning to Hugo

"Get back in here you suicidal maniac, you might get killed" answered Hugo, pulling Daxton arm

"Dude get back in here, I never seen someone who breaks free from an akuma attack, it might not work" said Nino

With this commotion going on, it definitely attract Eleanor's attention. As I look up towards the heroes of Paris, Ladybug placed a hand onto her face while Chat Noir was holding his staff in front of him looking at a girl in a fox costume

"Don't move!" Ladybug shouted from above to Hugo and Daxton. Once the both of them nodded, Ladybug then gave the fox girl a nod

"Mirage!" the fox girl shouted

Nothing happened actually, is it supposed to be a barrier to make them invisible in a villain's eye?

Suddenly Hugo and Daxton started running west, which leads Eleanor to follow them. Are those two idiots? Didn't she said not to move? Both of them are really in trouble

"You're still listening to yourself, I see" said Eleanor catching up towards them

As soon as I stood up wanting to follow them, Nino stop me while shooking his head

"Don't worry, they're safe" said Nino, which I didn't really buy it, those two idiots are in trouble how could they be safe?

The three heroes jump off the roof landing right in front of us, the fox girl then swing her flute which reveal Daxton and Hugo standing right in front of us

"But- didn't they-" I pointed and the two boys then at Eleanor

"Rena rouge, nice to meet you" she introduced herself "It's an illusion"

"There's no time, we gotta break that necklace of hers" said Ladybug swinging her yo-yo across the roof, with Chat Noir and Rena Rouge following behind her

"You both are idiots, you know that?" I said punching both of their arm "You got me worried"

"Stop stop" said Hugo "You might be shorter than the both of us, but your punches hurt"

"GOOD" I replied with a deep and loud tone looking at the both of them

We then walk back into the building, which we think that Eleanor would never search us at the same place that she just walked by.


"Miraculous Ladybug!"

Little red and black butterfly fly over every damage that was cause by the villain version of Eleanor. Once everything was back to normal, I ran out from the building trying to find Eleanor

To my surprise, she came with Owen on top of Ladybug and Chat Noir's back.

"Eleanor!" I ran towards her as I gave her a tight hug "How are you feeling"

Daxton then came standing behind  my back , looking at Eleanor. The both of them were staring at each other silently and awkwardly.

"I'm sorry" the both said in sync, Eleanor placed a small smile on her lips, which makes Daxton ran over to her, giving her a hug.

"I'm really sorry" said Daxton hugging Eleanor, while Eleanor was also apologising

I turn to Owen, who was talking to Hugo and Nino, wondering what actually happened to him. As I walk over to them, Owen was going on about how he was the only one trap inside Eleanor's pocket. He did also said that Eleanor didn't really remember about turning into a akuma villain at all

Soon later, Alya, Marinette and Adrien came back, panting and sweating. They started talking about what happened since everyone was also talking about it.

I decided to clear up everyone's mind by just going on with the day. I know something just happened, but why keep on thinking and talking about those stuff and focus on something happier?

We then went to the movies, and most of us agreed on watching a horror film. There was not much option here, at last we all decided to watch a movie called The Nun. The similarity between the nun and Vor is that we never get to see their hair. And their face is covered in a non human colour.

"She's coming, I know she's coming" I said to Hugo with a whispered

"Then why are you hiding behind Daxton's coat" replied Hugo, still looking at the screen "Scared?"

"I am not-" I protested until Eleanor's hand came from Daxton side started hitting me

We kept quiet until the end of the movie, most of the scenes I would be hiding behind the coat that Daxton lend to me. The theatre hall was full of couples, I guess horror movie is one of the best genre to make out


After getting our ice cream from André's, we bid our goodbyes to our new parisian friends as we walk into our hotel. It was already 6.00 p.m. which is our curfew to head back to the room.

The day is technically not over yet since we still have this late night party before leaving Paris.

I was in my room getting ready for the party with Eleanor until I remember something

"El, should I tell him?" I asked, tieing my hair

"It's actually up to you" she replied "Are you sure you want to tell him?"

I kept quite as I look into the mirror, maybe he should know my feelings after all right? No pressure.

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