Chapter 14

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Sofia's POV
"Sofia do you need help with your outfit?" said Amber as she walk into my closet

"I don't think so" I said as I search for a pair of oversize hoodie

"Right is there something you wanted to tell me? Like what you've mentioned this morning?" asked Amber as she came to me

"Right about that-" I said as I grab a oversize hoodie

"Hold up!" Amber interrupted "Are you seriously wearing that later?"

"I was planning to" I said as I take a look at my hoodie "Something wrong?"

"Aren't you gonna like make a good impression in front of your idol. Well you are totally crazy for him..." said Amber "But Joshua Kenderick is still hotter in my opinion" she then whispered with a girn

Joshua Kenderick is one of Amber's celebrity crush. He did made it to billboards top 1 for his first single album. But Owen Williams is still the best

"I've already make a first impression in front of him" I said while walking out of my closet "by bumping into him this morning"

"That's a nice move to get him to notice you?" said Amber with hesitation

"That's not even a nice move" I said as I flung myself onto the bed "I literally bump into him while thinking of some dude situation"

"Some dude? Did someone confess his love to you or something?" asked Amber while she rub her fingers on her chin

"Yes, in my dream" I replied

"Dreams could be weird sometimes" said Amber as she took a seat beside me "I even dreamt about Desmond years ago" she then laugh

"That was the weirdest dream I've ever had" she added

I was silent for a while and Amber just asked me for some details about the weird dream of mine. And of course I told her every single thing from the dream to my feelings about him and to the déjà vu situation

"I personally think it might just be some crush sign and not something like true love that you ever read about in those fairytales" said Amber as she laid back

"Then explain why my heart went crazy when I'm alone with him yesterday?" I asked still confuse about everything

"Well it could be a crush sign too" said  Amber "There's difference between crush and love. Crush are kinda temporary feelings. You do feel strong emotion and romantic feelings towards them but there wouldn't be any results between you two. And I'm guessing you're in this phase, since you realise your feeling for him yesterday. It might change though, maybe you'll be in love with him or losing every single interest with him"

"But with love, you will accept that person no matter what condition they're in, whether their poor, weak, blind, deaf. You will accept them for who they are. And even cherish every nomment with them, understand each other perfectly. Even though love is very complex but you will have a powerful emotion inside you towards them "said Amber "I'm not saying that when people are crushing on someone doesn't mean they don't accept for who they are. But mostly people would have crush on someone who's good looking, smart, caring, friendly, kind, sporty. But they don't really know what did the person had been through behind all those personality and that good looking face. Will they accept him if he or she came from a poor family? Maybe... Maybe not "Amber continued

Amber's definition for crush and love were deep. And that make me think into my own thoughts, it might just be temporary feelings. After Amber explanation, I don't think I love Daxton but just some puppy love situation.

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