Chapter 43

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Sofia's POV

Once we were let off by our teacher, nothing could replace my happiness right now. Our exam results most likely to be given after our graduation ceremony which is being held next Saturday. After the summer break, most of us are gonna move upwards, opening a new gate which is called University.

There's only one University for Royals in this whole dimension, and it's even located on an island in the middle of nowhere. Amber once told me that the University is full of stuff, whatever you could imagine, it's all right there for you to find. I haven't even officially graduated high school yet fantasizing about University life, most probably I can't wait to get together with everyone again.

"Are you that happy?" Hugo asked while we were walking towards our locker, he then points at my face with a bright smile "You're even smiling, whatcha thinking about?" he continue . I shove his hand away from my face. Typing in my locker combination, ignoring Hugo's presence who is still standing right beside me.

Hugo was still going on with his 'tell me' while poking my head with his finger. I took out my Mathematics books, as I rolled it up continuing with a smack on his head "It's none of your business". Hugo then throw his arms onto my shoulder as he pulled me away "That's it" he said, dragging me further away from our locker 

"Hey, hey, hey it's not my fault that you're being annoying" I stop him on his tracks from dragging me around the school.

"Ever heard of the word 'returning' " he asked while flipping his bag to the front "I'm now returning the favor of what you just did ". Without any hesitation, he started hitting me on the shoulder. My mind suddenly click when I look around the area, which nobody would ever come to this part of the building

I then fold my arms as I gave him a smirk "I see, I see". After Hugo put his book back into his bag, he gave me an expressionless face continuing with a 'what'. "Prince Hugo tried to commit something without letting anyone knowing" I quickly took a few step back while telling him that sentence . 

"As if someone like me would do something bad" said Hugo, walking away without trying to defend himself like before. "Don't you wanna go home? We are probably the only one left here" he then turn around waving his hand at me. " Coming" I called out, running into his direction. I still can't believe our high school days are gonna end in two weeks.


Once I arrived back home, I straight went up into my room. Since graduation is coming up, I thought of preparing my prom outfit for a party that night, but I still yet to come out with an idea. Suddenly my phone started ringing, my hand slowly reach out to grab my phone as I lazily rolled myself to the other side of the bed.

"So.... how's did the test went" said Eleanor from the other side of the line 

"Fine, I guess" I replied uncertainly, while swinging my legs freely on air

"I have something to tell you, hold up" I could hear those faint shaking noises from here and with curiosity I asked 

"Can't you say it from where you are?" I then sat up straight, worried about Eleanor

"Okay, there we go" a faint voice said, after a small paused Eleanor then continue with the conversation "So anything happen lately?"

I rolled my eyes when she asked that question. I even thought there was something troubling her. "That is your question? That made you had to change your previous spot?"

"Well yes." She asked once more. "Any more notes?"

"No, that was the latest one I received-"

"Well I just found one in my locker" interrupted by Eleanor, who is probably searching through her school bag this instant " And it's another letter about you"

"Wouldn't you find this creepy all of a sudden?" I asked trying not to think how creepy it would get.

"It is" replied Eleanor, there was a small pause before she continue " and it is not". I was confuse by her other statement, how could this not be? It was cute at first, but now this person started sending Eleanor letters about me too? "Here let me read this for you" she added then continue with "Hi, I'll be leaving something for Sofia in the school garden. Could you please take her there, and say it's from you? Thank you. From, anonymous"

"He left something for you" said Eleanor "We are going there tomorrow"

"What if it's a trap?" I ask "You never know-"

"We won't, trust me" she said certainly 

All I could do was trust her, maybe this person isn't as creepy as I thought? Soon after, we chatted about other stuff that's merely about school and our test. Even after chatting for that long, I still could't stop thinking about the letter that Eleanor told me about. Who could that person be? What's his ulterior motive?

Third POV

After that long call between Sofia and Eleanor, Eleanor went over to her study desk where she left the piece of paper she had received earlier today. She re-read the whole letter slowly, while analyzing the hand-writing to be sure she had the correct person in mind who sent these letters to her and Sofia.

This person was smart enough to trick Sofia into not noticing him, but not smart enough to get pass Eleanor. There is also a chance that he might want Eleanor to find out who he is too. "It definitely gotta be him, no mistaking" Eleanor whisper under her breath. Before all of this happen, Eleanor was actually finding a graduation gift for Sofia, she did asked a couple of students on their opinion 

And only those students know what Eleanor is looking for, but this person actually wrote in their original handwriting at the bottom corner on the piece of paper. The patience within Eleanor soon wears off, she could not wait till tomorrow to confront him about his love for her best friend.

"It's you!" She said once she heard a voice answering from the other line "I had my suspicion on you before, but I never knew you were for real "

There was an awkward laugh when Eleanor found out about him "Congrats? I guess? But what do you mean by 'for real' ?" he sounded serious, with that tone of his, Eleanor could only return an awkward laugh back at him 

"Of course I was for real"He continue with a sigh at Eleanor previous statement.

Now that his anonymous identity had been found out by Eleanor, he now had someone who he can come clean about his love for Sofia to, which is quite a relieve for him. Even though Eleanor found out about him, she still couldn't believe that he actually had feelings for Sofia.To her, he seems like someone who takes a temporarily liking into someone for the time being.

And now it all depends on him, if he could melt her heart by the time comes.

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