Chapter 6

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Sofia's POV
We then walk into the clothing store where Eleanor wanted to buy some skirts and clothing

"Why are you buying clothes anyway?" Daxton ask "Don't your clothes all come from the royal tailor?"

"Yeah? Can't I just buy some clothes form the clothing store like any other teen girls?" Eleanor say as she glare towards Daxton

"Alright I'm sorry! Please do not use your bare hand to hit me. The last time you did, the red hand mark stayed there for at 25-30 minutes" Daxton say as he put he hand out as a stop sign

"Then you should know better to think before you speak" Eleanor say as she continue searching for clothes

"What about you Sofia? Aren't you buying?" Hugo ask "This one looks cute"

"No, I'm saving" I smile

"Hugo that looks weird. This fits Sofia better" Daxton say as he brought a pair of clothes to me

"Well that's my taste" Hugo reply with an eye roll

"Umm Dax can you put back the clothes?" I ask

"Don't you think it's nice?" Daxton say as he look at me

"Look, the outfit that the both of you pick are brautiful" I say "But it doesn't fit me that well"

"I thought every outfit fit you guys" Hugo say as he put back the outfit

"No it's not like that. See everyone has different sence of style. And for me I'm more into the Parisian and casual style" I answer "See Eleanor rock in those elegant, casual and preppy wear"



"I know. But I'll meet up with you guys later" I say as I wave at them

"Where are you going?" Hugo ask as he grab my hand

"The restroom. Why?" I look at him

"Uhh nothing" he then let my hand go

"Umm sure...."I then gave him a smile before I leave the store

Daxton's POV
"Parisian style she said...." I say as I started looking for some examples

"Why are you looking anyway? You wanna match her?" Hugo then look at me suspiciously

"Maybe?" I reply

"Why are you matching-" Hugo was then interrupted before he could even finish his sentences

"Can the both of you be quiet? Should I remind this is a public area. Not your room" Eleanor whisper shout towards the both of us

"Admit it the both of you like Sofia" she say with her arms cross

"No I don't" Hugo deny

"Yea, I don't like her in that way as well" I lie

"Oh for goodness sake. Getting jealous?" She look towards Hugo "Making those awful flirting lines or should I say pickup lines?" she then turn her head to me

"Well fine I admit I like her" I say

"See it's not that hard to admit" Eleanor say while Hugo's eyes widens

"Hugo?" Eleanor then look at him

"Bruh no. She's my friend" He reply

"Are you sure?"

"She's just kind of a sister like to me" He say as he look away

"As you say then" Eleanor say as she turn away "By the way where's Sofia?"

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