Chapter 35

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Sofia's POV
He looks older, did I travel into the future? If I did, how did I managed to do it? But who's that girl over there?

Somehow I felt bitter within me, this feel strange. My heart squeeze each time as I take a look at the scene, my surroundings started to heat up as my mind started loosing focus on everything

Eleanor, Daxton, everyone, they are all below looking even older than before. Where am I? At this thought, I tried to hold the tears at bay

I never thought of myself to be unwanted in this kind of situation, sadness, hopeless filling up my body.

"Sofia" a faded voice called out, but nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, someone started pushing my shoulder

This touch felt real. Yet, it felt like I could somehow snap out of it. As the pushing of my shoulder slowly became aggressive by each pushed, my eyes were forced to get back to reality

As I opened my eye, I'm back at my room. It was all just a dream, a dream that felt really real. I turn my body around, seeing James standing beside my bed

"Morning" I yawned as I rubbed my eyes. My face was covered with dried tears and a few drops of tears streaming down my cheek, I never knew I could cry in my sleep

James then hand me a face towel while continuing with his words" Why were you crying?"

Why am I crying, I don't know... What was that dream about again...? The memories from my dream has started slowly fading out from my mind. All I could remember was, me standing at a place, what was I watching again?

"I don't know...." I replied, holding the towel in my hand. It basically useless if I ever tried recalling anything

"Anyway there's something I need your help with" He sounded unsure on the question he just asked which clearly I don't really want to deal with right now

I pull the comforter right over my head, turning my body the other way. I just got back from a trip yesterday, and it's the weekend, just what I need right now.

During the weekend, I had already planned on resting in the castle while getting back on my studies motivation track. I closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep while James kept on shaking my body trying to get my response

"Can't we do that later?" I was starting to get a little bit annoyed by the fact of someone disturbing my sleep

The thick comforter is already warm enough to prevent me from the cold room temperature, and because of that it's definitely keeping me away from getting out of bed just to keep on snuggling within the comforter. No matter how I wanna keep on sleeping, James would be there to disturbed it

"It's already the afternoon" James said " two o'clock actually"



I can't believe I slept through breakfast and lunch. Well I still felt like I wanna close my eyes and maybe carry on till night.

Don't James usually have practices during the weekend too? Why is he home? My restless, questioning face then turn to James "Why are you home?"

James tilted his head to the left, speechless and suddenly he let out a tiny laugh "It's cancelled, anyway with the help?"

My brain was hesitating between yes and no. Part of me wanted to help him and another part of me wanted to lay in bed today

"What's is it anyway?" I stretch my body, to make me feel more alive

"A few of my friends are coming later and could you maybe join me-?" said James, struggling to find words to continue his sentence "I promised it'll be fun"

My eyes widen at his invatation "What why?". What's this about? We are talking about his friends, I don't know who are they, most realistically James never asked me to join him with his friends before

"Will you or not?" James asked "You know what nevermind- I'll take your 'why' as a yes, see you later at 15.30 then" he then place both of his arm behind his head and walk out of the room

"James! Hey ! Get back here!" I called out which is clearly useless on James. Damn it

I got up from my bed lazily, walking towards the bathroom. I'll freakin kill him. This is literal torture, my eyes aren't ready to function yet neither is my brain.


I paused in front of James's door, thinking of ways to humiliate him in front of his friends, that's literally the only way to get him back. Well that's all I could think off right now

"James opened the door!" I called from the outside without even knocking on it. It may seem rude, but wouldn't he help his little sister in front of his friends?

A fade voice came from the room rejecting the 'order' I gave. I rolled my eyes as I placed my hand onto the handle. Before I could pull it down, the door was then opened from the inside

"Hugo?" I questioned looking at a tall figure standing right infornt of me "Why is he here, I thought your school friends are coming over?" I tilt my head towards the empty spot beside Hugo to face James from the outside of his room

James then turned to me with a large grin on his face, shrugging his shoulder "I didn't said school friends, I said the word 'friends' only"

I then turn to Hugo, still standing in front of me, with his upper part of his shirt his unbutton.

I could imagined those abs already. What the actual fuck am I thinking?? Snap out of it Sofia

But, it's really distracting- that clear chest of his plus his masculer jaw line. Kill me right now, somebody, anybody

"I can't believe that innocent Sofia I knew years ago is really gone" said Hugo in a hush voice, giving me a smirk

Did he just gave me a smirk? A smirk?  In that outfit? I saw tons of hot peoples before but I never notice Hugo was one of them, never

"She grew, that's all" I replied calmly "Anyway it's not like you don't know how that innocent Sofia had changed into this one right here"

"Quit hogging over my sister" James called from the inside, interrupting our conversation.

It's not surprising seeing Zandar in the room too, he too had the same question look on his face with the one I had an hour ago

As time goes by, my pair of eyes were too honest, it kept glaring towards Hugo's direction. Ugh at some point, Hugo might find out, I don't want to give him any mix signals

I could be caught any moment now, and James expect me to stay here with them until they're ready to go back. I'm definitely gonna die in embarrassment very very soon

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