Chapter 11

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Sofia's POV
"I'm having fencing with him later" said Eleanor as she look towards the table beside us "It's gonna be fun yay" she then continued in an annoyed tone

"It won't be that bad. I guess? " I replied

"No. He keeps on competing with me" she said as she ate her mashed potato aggressively "What's there to compete about?!"

"Hugo here likes to compete with me as well" I said as I look at Hugo

"What-? I wanna know if I can finally beat you at Derby" said Hugo

"Accept it that I'm better at Derby while you're in ice dancing" I replied as I raised my spoon

"And then he'll be like 'Oh Eleanor Eleanor. Ready to loose?'" said Eleanor in frustration

"Come on he's only good at fencing" said Daxton

"Hey Eleanor!" The guy beside our table called

"What is it Hudson" said Eleanor who is totally annoyed as she turn to him

"I hope you're prepared!" said Hudson as he laugh off with he's friends

" 'I hope you're prepared' " Eleanor then mimic Hudson's accent "Yea right laugh all you want"

"This person is totally getting on my nerve ugh" said Eleanor as she grab her drink

"Why can't we be in the same fencing class?" asked Eleanor

"You can go straight to the principal office and ask about that" said Hugo

"Well technically I can't. She would ask a bunch of questions about it" replied Eleanor

"I'm gonna go get ready for maths class. The teacher need me there" said Daxton as he stood up

"Bye then" I replied with a wave

"Yea... bye" said Daxton as he left the table

"Guys I think I might have a problem" I said as I took a bite of my mashed potato

"What is it?" asked Hugo "Your obsession with fictional characters?"

"Yes exactly!" I replied "Why can't they be in our world?"

"What's so good about them anyways? You have me, aren't I perfect" said Hugo

"Excuse me?" said Eleanor as she look at Hugo "making a move eyy" she then gave him a smirk

"Shut up. I've told you we're just friends" said Hugo as he rolled his eyes

"Eleanor go ahead and ship anyone but us" I then place my palm on my forehead

"Yea... Not gonna happen" said Eleanor "In my head, you guys are just perfect"

"Come on Sofia, let's go" said Hugo as he pulled me up

"Have fun!" said Eleanor with wave

"That's embarrassing" I said as I make a face-palm

"Well that's Eleanor alright" said Hugo "I'll see you at the rink soon" he then wave at me as he went to his locker

"See you later" I said as I then walk down the hallway

Due to ice dancing training later, I then walk up to my locker as I key in my locker combination just to take my practice clothings and my skates.
After picking up my stuff I then walk to our school's changing room so that I could change into my outfit

Once I arrive at the rink. Most of them are already there warming up before our practice starts. I then walk over to the bleachers as I put on my skates before walking into the rink.

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