Chapter 50

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Sofia's POV

A few months had past since that incident. The day after, I met up with Daxton and we talked things out. We realized that we never love each other, whatever happened to Daxton's confession about loving me for the past few years were just talks that he thinks he should be doing.

Listening to him explained his side of the story, turns out that girl from the coffee shop was someone who he is going to be betrothed to after graduating university. Hearing the way he described the girl, it feels different from the way he described me before. This time it's clearly different, he fell for her and I don't resent him at all.

We are way more suited to be friends than to be partners. But after this situation, I rather take some time away from being friends and get things straight with my own life. However we still talk in class but placing some distance between ourselves.

I made it clear to myself on Christmas Eve that I was in love with Hugo. I'm not sure if this is the right thing I should be feeling, because I just ended a 'no feeling' relationship with Daxton and on that very same day I confirmed that I love Hugo. Is it fair to Hugo?

I wanted to asked Eleanor for advise or maybe Amber, she did give some good advises before, but they are all busy with their own stuff, which I understand.

Since I don't have any classes right now, I decided to walk around campus alone. To be honest, I never visit every single spot on this island since our first day of university.

Walking along the trails of pebbles in one of the school's park, I could hear the sounds of the horses neighs up in the sky. Placing my hand above my eyes so I am able to look up without getting blinded by the sun, and that's when I saw Hugo flying across in the air. Only to remember the derby ring is right around this part of the island.

I unknowingly found myself standing next to a tree across the derby field. I hate to lie but my body is being quite honest, I'm so embarrassed at myself. Since I'm already here, it wouldn't hurt to check out their practice. I walk over to a bench and sat down.

Lucky for us, there are still derby races that we are able to participate as a university student and that's why we still have coaches to train us even though we might not be a professional derby racers in the future.

Without realizing, my eyes were on Hugo the whole time until our eyes met. I tried to look away, but I've already been caught red handed. Where am I supposed to hide? Act dumb?

I started panicking when Hugo suddenly took a step forward towards my direction.

"What brings you here?" asked Hugo with a smile as soon as he stop in his tracks, standing behind and resting both of his arms on the fence.

"Well I-" My gaze were everywhere. I don't think I am able to look straight in his eyes right now, if I do I'll definitely look like a fool. "I don't have any classes now." At least I managed to finish this sentence. "And no one is available too..." I whispered underneath my breath.

Hugo let out a small chuckled "Sorry, I'm also unavailable at the moment."

My eyes widened. Did he heard what I just said?

"Sofia, we've been friends for years it's clear you want to hang out with someone." He added, leaning forward from the fence as he poked my forehead. "Can I have that?" Hugo then points towards my plastic bottle filled with water.

I look down at my water then back at Hugo " You want this?" I held up my plastic bottle and asked him in full confusion.

"Thank you." answered Hugo, snatching the bottle away from my hand. Without any hesitation he twist the cap open and drink it.

I was shocked at the sight that I stood up from my seat stopping him from drinking it, Hugo soon placed his gaze on me, removing the bottle tip from his lips " I've already drank from the bottle, " and again my eyes were locked onto the grass unable to look at Hugo because I'm already flustered as it is. "If you want, I could go and buy a bottle for you."

My heart was definitely beating really quickly as if it's going to hop out from my body any second now.

Hugo slowly placed the cap back on the bottle then hands the bottle to me.

Was I too rude? Would he thinks I'm stingy? I do not dislike people using the stuff I used before but this time it's different, this person is Hugo. Moreover he drank from a bottle that I drunk from. An indirect kiss?

"There's no need," Hugo placed a hand on my head with a warm smile that he usually gives me. He turn towards the derby team then towards his watch " Could you wait for me? Give me 20 minutes?"

I nodded my head and a smile slowly forms on my face.

"Oh and find somewhere that is cooler, it's too hot if you keep sitting here." he advises, before leaving me to his team.

Actually I kind of regret what I did just now, not the way I talked but the fact that I stopped him from continuing drinking. The bottle is now back in my grasped, if I drink from it anytime now, does that mean we are sharing a kiss indirectly?

I definitely sound like a pervert. Is this a side effect of growing?

As kids love is simple, give me any flower you find by the side and I'll be happy. But as I grow, my thoughts on love grew too, lots of scenes are playing in my head from the things I've seen and it's getting even more ridiculous.


"You're going to be competing for the Derby race right?" asked Hugo, who sat beside me, not far from the derby rink.

I nodded my head.

There's no way I would miss a derby competition. Especially in my first year of university.

Silence. There was no sentence coming from Hugo, let alone words. I have no idea what is he doing, because he had been on his phone for quite a while now.

There is no way curiosity wouldn't struck me. I want to know. What is he doing? Is he chatting with someone from his department? But all I could do is stay back and respect his privacy.

Stabbing my fork onto my food, Hugo finally give me his attention "What's wrong?" he asked, placing his phone down.

I shook my head "Nothing."

Hugo then turn towards the large patch of grass, closing his eyes as he feels the hot breeze that is  blowing right in our direction. "You can tell me anything." he said softly

I couldn't help but admire his features. How can someone be so amazing? His soft dark hair, that sharp nose bridge and to top it all off his personality.

We might have our ups and downs all these years but he still decides to stands by my side. I can't help but wonder, how long will he be standing right by my side?

As I keep staring at Hugo, guilt starts to build up within me. I still could not get over the fact how my thoughts changed in just a day. I still don't think it's fair to Hugo. If only I was more honest with my feelings before, more aware about it, then things would not escalate to this situation.

Now that I am sure with my own feelings. Do I deserve someone like him?

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