Chapter 17

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Sofia's POV
Ahhh finally Saturday, no school, no nothing.

I then walk towards my desk as I saw a my to-do list waiting for me to finish it up.

"Well... Homework comes first" I said with a sigh as I took a seat

I took out a stack of homework and place it on top of my desk. I then started working on it from the hardest to the easiest. As I was working on my homework, the word exams then came through my mind.

I've been so focus on every subject I totally forgot about the basics for this test. The posture, the balancing..... I totally should get working on that later

"So the kinetic energy formula is... 1/2mv square-"

After an hour or two of studying and finishing my homework. I then laid on my desk as I decided to take a quick nap before continuing on training my posture and some other stuff. I pick up my phone and set the alarm for a half an hour nap. My upper eye lids started to get heavier as I dream off to my wonderful perfect dreamland

Hugo's POV
"Nahhh just take that controller" said James as he pass a gaming controller to Zandar

"We've been playing for hours, can we at least do something that doesn't includes technology" I said as I stretch my body

"Oh come on Hugo we can do that later. One last game" said James

"Yea one last game and then we can continue on studying" said Zandar as he look at me "Hey why did you start the game?! I haven't pick the character I want yet!"

"Too late" said James as he laugh

"Whatever I'm gonna take a walk around the castle" I said as I got up "I'll come back later"

"Sure thing- Ha! I killed someone, run Zandar run!" said James

I then walk out of James's room trying to get some time out from technologies. I soon spotted a portrait of the Enchancia family, which was taken years ago.

They all look so different especially Sofia. She was once the innocent looking princess, the warm hearted selfless girl and one of the bravest girl I ever met. And now, I'm not saying she's not who she was before but she's not as innocent as you think.

As I was admiring the portrait soon I heard a faded ringing sound coming from a distant. And yes, I decided to check it out. I then follow the sound as it slowly grows louder and louder until I arrive at Sofia's door

Before I went into her room I knocked on her door waiting for her to respond . But there was no response from anyone in the room and that make my heart beat faster at the thought of something might happen to her

"Sofia??" I then open door as I saw her lying on her desk

She's not dead right?

I then walk towards her as I place a finger under her nose before turning off her alarm. And to my relief she's still breathing

The way she sleep just makes me wanna hold her tightly in my arms and never letting her go. I can't even force myself to walk out of her room as my eyes are fix onto her. And now I just wanna be beside her and just look at her sleeping peacefully

I couldn't even control my whole body as my hands then stroke her long wavy auburn hair and I went forward and place a kiss on her forehead.

Shit why did I do that? No no no what if she suddenly wake up? Or worst what if she IS awake all this time?

I then quickly remove my hand from her auburn hair and turn away. Before I could step away, Sofia then grab my wrist as she mumbled a few stuff which are not very clear but I did understand

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