Chapter 15

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Sofia's POV
"Who?" Eleanor asked as she look around

I turn my head around to see who was it. But everyone reaction was the same, they were all looking around just to see who's the lucky person.

"Don't turn around. You, the girl with that weird round hairstyle" said Owen

"Weird round hairstyle..." I then look around as I saw student's hair are either braids, pony tail, pig tails or  hair down

I then look at him as I point at myself just to confirm that the girl he was calling is me

"Yes you" said Owen as he nodded he's head

"Did he just insulted my sock bun a weird round hairstyle?!" I whispered to Eleanor

"Stop talking and just go" said Eleanor as she push me

"Weird round hairstyle is a better name for that. I might just called it a donut" said Daxton as he laugh along with Hugo

I then gave them a glare before walking away from my seat.


"I wish I was in Sofia's shoe right now"

"She's one lucky princess tonight"

Said the students as I walk pass them. I then walk up the stage as Owen handed me a microphone with a bright smile. I then return an awkward smile to him as I was all nervous about standing beside Owen Williams like right beside him. I know I bumped into him, that was an accident. But he pick me to sing with him on stage! Am I in heaven??

"WOOOO!!! That's my BFF!!!" shouted Eleanor as she stood up with a big wave

Hugo then pull her down while trying to control her from screaming. By the looks on their face, they're definitely quarrelling.

"Don't worry" said Owen as he place his hand on my shoulder "You do have a supportive friend out there" he then gave me a smile

"Haha yea...." I said awkwardly while looking around the auditorium

"OMG HE TOUCH HER, YOU'RE SO LUCKY SOFIA" said a princess who was in the dark around the conner

"I see... Sofia" He mumbled those words thinking I can't hear them but then gave me one last smile before preparing to sing

As he started signing the lyrics of the song, he then turn to me to give me a signal so that I could continue to where he left off

"YOU GO GIRL!" said Eleanor as I continue to sing the song

"Shhhh" Hugo then shush her as he pull her back to her seat again. Well that's what I could tell from this far, but he's action explained it all

While I was still singing I could hear a faded chuckled as I turn my head and face Owen who was laughing at the scene and then turn to me with a thumbs up and a smile. We then continue the chorus together until the end of the song while harmonising out those key.

The crowd then gave a round of applause once we were done.

"Hey meet me later, after the concert" said Owen as he gave me a smile "I'll be in one of the classroom around here"

"Uhh sure" I then gave him a smile

"Another round of applause for Princess Sofia" said Owen as the students clap their hand

"Oh my gosh, how was it?" Lewis turn his body to face me with a big grin on his face "Didn't know you could sing that well too"

"My anxiety just went staright up" I said as I show him an action of 'straight up'

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