Chapter 52 - The Final

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Sofia's POV

It's been a few days since our last kiss. I haven't seen Hugo around campus nor have I spoken to him through message or the phone. I was feeling uneasy, thinking he might realize that I wasn't the one he like.

I took out my phone, as I pressed in to our personal message.


I wanted to keep on messaging him but of course nobody wants someone to keep on bugging them. Maybe this is a sign that he is avoiding me. I really shouldn't have done that, and now our friendship will just be awkward.

He kissed me back right?

That's what I thought to myself. If he did, why is he treating me this way? Deep down I really wanted to find him and make things clear between us, even though he's avoiding me. Looking at the situation right now, he's ghosting me. Neither Eleanor nor the rest of us have any clue where he is.

I did think that he was busy with the duties he has back home. But here's the problem, he was able to reply the texts he received from our friends and all I gotten from him was a seen? This is frustrating.

My emotions are all over the place. I have never felt so many emotions surrounding me at once because of someone. There's so much that's going on that I don't even know what to feel.

I started walking towards the dorm building, wanting to pour my heart out to someone else. As I stepped in to the building, I took a piece of paper from a shelf and started writing my personal information down just so I could rent a room for the day.

I really wish I could tell someone how I feel. No matter how confused I feel... reality is crashing down on me. Always here to show me that we are now all in college, doing assignments, finishing up tons of project, literally no one is free compare to the past. I can't just pull my friends out from their busy schedule just to hear me out.

Once I got in to the dorm room, I placed my bag onto a chair as I walked towards the bed and threw myself on top of it. I grabbed my phone out from my pocket then started scrolling through social media. Maybe this could help me to ease my mind off Hugo.

I guess he is everywhere. The online status even showed that Hugo is online. Online, but couldn't care less about my messages. I got so irritated that I placed my phone on the bed and headed to the desk to finish up my report for kingdom management class. What is he thinking?

An hour later, I suddenly hear my phone ringing. Walking towards the bed, I saw Hugo's contact number lighting up on my screen.

What does he want now? Days of ignoring and he's finally bored enough to respond?

Even though I am angry at him but my heart says otherwise. " What do you want?" I question him soon after I picked up the phone, trying my best to suppress my emotions with the tone I'm using.

"Are you mad?" That was his first sentence after ignoring me for days. "I'm sorry, but can we meet up?"

This is confusing me even more. "You want to meet up after ghosting me and are not even going to give me an explanation?" I asked with a frustrated tone.

Why did I say that? I sound like his girlfriend when I am not.

"It's hard to explain through the phone..." replied Hugo. "I'll be waiting for you at Royal Prep."

Royal Prep? Why there? "Royal Prep? What do- ". Before I could finish my sentence, he hung up the phone. Rude.

I am mad at him. To tell the truth, I couldn't help but feel happy that he had called me up. Like Hugo asked, I packed my stuff into my bag and headed out to the departure port.

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