Chapter 28

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Sofia's POV
The sound of a hair dryer going on is definitely interrupting my sleep. Yesterday night was one of the best night I ever had in my entire life. As the Sofia that everyone used to know was a girl who is obedient, kind, cheerful, brave, and most definitely not a rule breaker

I can say that it was my first time after years later of breaking a rule. Even if the situation that I broke was not serious, but I could say that I am lucky for not getting caught

After Hugo sent me back to my room, I wonder how did he get back into his room with that bodyguard of his guarding the door. I don't think that bodyguard will be standing there 24/7 since she's also human and who needs their sleep too

Even if we were going to be all on our own for our 3rd day in Paris, exploring the city. But definetly that tour on our own wouldn't be up till night would it? Besides there will be a party going on, on our last night in Paris, so I am really really garteful for Hugo taking me to places last night

"What time did you came back" asked Eleanor with that grinned of hers. Right- about that, when I arrived back to my room I realise it's already 23.30 p.m something and Eleanor always gets her beauty sleep. Without the card to my room, me and Hugo had to go down to the receptionist to get a spare card so that I could enter the room if not I'll be sleeping in the hallways.

"Oh and you still haven't return the coat yet sweetie" Eleanor held up the coat that was originally lying on the couch "Lost your focus on him until you forgot to return?"

"No I didn't-" I said while rubbing my eyes still lying on the bed with the comforters over me "Besides he's not even there"

"He is not there?" Eleanor then came walking towards me "Then how the hell did you spent the whole night outside of the room? Talking to some random strangers?"

"What do you mean he is not there?" I slowly get up while pulling the comforters to cover up my whole body "There is a he"

"Gurl? Are you drunk or something?" asked Eleanor as she place both of her hand on my cheek "You just said he's not there and now you are telling me there's a he? Oh dear- should have bring something that people in horror movie usually used to defeat those spiritual stuff"

"Yea-?" I said still blury from what's going on right now

"Wait! I have a Bible with me- stay there" Eleanor quickly ran to her luggage while searching for a bible

"Hold up!" I called out with a my hand in the air showing a stop sign "What 'he' are you talking about again?"

"Okay okay calm down" Eleanor said as she slowly walk to me "Can you perhaps see-" she then gluped before continuing with a whisper "ghosts or spirits ?"

"No? Wait yes but not every single one of them" I said as I suddenly remember the Halloween party that was held in the castle years ago. And that is where I met Sir Dax who wanted to throw a party for his family and friends who he can only meet every 100 year

Eleanor face quickly went pale as soon as I said the word 'yes'.

"But I didn't see one yesterday-" I quickly continued my sentence before she could pass out "Nothing strange happened, all I did was hanging out with Hugo"

She then turn to me with her widened eyes "Oh for fuck sake!" she then threw a pillow towards me "That literally scare the hell out of me" she place her hand onto her chest near to her heart "Why don't you just say his name instead on using 'he'"

"You were using 'him' before, I thought you were talking about Hugo" I said as I threw the pillow back at her

"You drunk ass bitch, I was talking about Daxton" she huffed as she walk towards the dresser "Anyway get ready, we are expecting to be in the hotel's restaurant area at 7.30a.m for breakfast"

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