Chapter 16

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Sofia's POV
"So tell me" said Eleanor

"I just don't think they like like me. Maybe they're just crushing on me you know?" I said as I put my books back into the locker

"No no no no" said Eleanor as she wave her index finger

"Well I do have something to tell you though" I said

Before she could continue whatever thing she wanted to say, she paused and then look at me straight in the eye

"Tell me" she said

"Come on" I said as I pull her outside

We then walk to our school garden as we took a seat on the bench.

"Now tell me what is it?" she asked

"So I know that the both of them have a crush on me right" I said

"Well not crush but more likely like you, but go on" said Eleanor

"What if I'm gonna break one of their hearts?" I said looking down

"Nah their hearts won't be bro- wait what? Repeat that please" said Eleanor as her eye widend

"I said what if I'm gonna break one of their hearts like I didn't mean too-"

"Hold up!" said Eleanor as he raise her hand up "So you're telling me, you like one of them?"

I then nodded my head but I quickly corrected her "No it's not like him, but maybe just having a crush on him"

"No- you gotta be kidding me right? Really? Seriously?" said Eleanor just to be sure about what I was saying

"Yes, 100 percent sure" I replied

She then gasped, she wanted to say something but I guess she's lost of words

"Is it that shocking?" I asked

"Gurl, no way. Who is it?" asked Eleanor

"Well uhh, I'm guessing I have a thing for Daxton?" I said shrugging with a smile "I know I know he likes-"

"Shut up with the word Sienna" said Eleanor with her eyes rolled to the back "You have a crush on Daxton? Since when?"

"Woah hold up, I will tell you everything if you just calm down" I said

"No I can't, but my-" she then mumbled the last few words which I can't really hear though but her mouthing sounds like something ended with -fia

"Your what?" I asked

"My ship of course" she said "Tell me when did you even start to notice those feelings towards Daxton"

"Well-" I then tell her everything literally everything, about what Amber and James told me and also my feelings

Eleanor's POV
No, does that mean Hugfia is destroyed? Well yea I wanted her to be with Daxton and Hugo though.

Daxton and Sofia equals to a couple full of jokes I guess? Daxton is a friendly, open guy. Flirting with girls? No problem. And that's how most girls would fall for him not just looks but the way he flirt and his personality.

Hugo and Sofia represent the ying and yang. Hugo doesn't open up to friends much, no matter how much you force him to say something, he's mouth just wouldn't open. Well yes he's kind, caring, Daxton is too. Even though he's a flirt, he doesn't go around flirting with other girls but only towards he's closest friends.

And for Sofia, she's caring, friendly, a pretty good therapist for everyone, and always put others first before herself. Even though she has a savage personality when it comes to arguing or dealing with some shits but overall she's pretty cool with everything. And from what I know Hugo usually opens up to her about he's stuff, and only her from his friends zone. I seldom seeing him opening up to Daxton or me, even if he does it's not as much as Sofia.

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