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wooyoung woke up with a jolt, sweat running down his face. it was only a nightmare... he sat up and hid his face in his hands, letting out a quiet but heavy sigh. he tried not to wake yeosang as he made his way across the cold floor, grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom.

this had been happening more often than not recently. wooyoung would fall asleep after hours of laying in bed, and then wake up within three hours from a nightmare. the nightmare was always the same; his sister dying in front of him, being pulled out from his grasp. no one knew about his nightmares, not even his parents. so when yeosang came home from university to stay the weekend, wooyoung panicked, not knowing how he would explain the situation to his best friend.

wooyoung's sister died less than a month before he was supposed to leave for university, but once she passed, he decided that he didn't want to go. his friends were heartbroken, but at the same time they only wanted the best for wooyoung. yeosang worried a lot about his best friend though, so he made sure to take the forty five minute train ride to visit wooyoung at least once every couple of weeks, and more often when he could manage it.

the boy finished up washing his face and getting dressed, then left the house and started walking. he knew where he was going, he always did. it had become a habit for him to visit his beloved jisu at these late hours.

before he even realized it, he was in front of her grave, kneeling down in front of it. he burst into tears, resting his hands down on her headstone. his heart ached, he had been unable to save her from a horrible death. he had only hoped that it was painless, he couldn't bear the thought of her suffering.

it was nearly four in the morning when wooyoung was finally able to pull himself together enough to start walking home. even then, tears still trailed down his cheeks, his face red and splotchy. he kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with early rising runners and those taking their dogs for walks.

coming from the other direction, san had left his house shortly before wooyoung left the cemetery. he knew that if he had left much later, his parents would have caught him and he wouldn't have been able to go to campus and hang out with his friends. he would've been laughed at and scolded, then beaten until he agreed to go back up to his room and study.

his thoughts had been particularly dark today, and he found himself thinking of one "what if?" situation after another. he imagined what life would be like if his grandparents could still care for him, or if his parents were different. his mind was all over the place. he picked up the pace the slightest bit as his thoughts got worse and worse, then suddenly, he collided with someone.

the two boys fell to the ground, wooyoung letting out a whimper and san hissing in pain. soon their eyes met and it felt like the world had frozen. it didn't last long though, as guilt began to bubble inside of wooyoung as the two stood up.

"i-i'm so sorry! a-are you okay? a-are you hurt?" wooyoung apologized.

"i'm okay.. just a little sore," san chuckled quietly. "how about you? are you okay?"

"y-yeah.." he sniffled. "i'm okay, thank you for asking."

"of course... u-uh, i'm san by the way."

wooyoung looked at him curiously for a moment, unsure of why the boy he had just knocked down was introducing himself.

"shit, i'm so sorry! this is awkward, i didn't mean to do that," san rambled.

"it's okay..." wooyoung said softly, attempting to crack a smile. "i'm wooyoung."

"do you want to go grab a coffee or something? you look like you could use a friend..."

"oh, no thank you. i-i should be getting home, actually. i don't want my friend to wake up without me there..."

"oh.. yeah, that's okay! c-could we maybe... maybe go some other time then? maybe we could get to know each other and become friends..."

wooyoung began to think about it, while san mentally facepalmed himself for being so awkward. the younger thought that maybe it wouldn't be so bad, san seemed really friendly. he could use a friend that was close by.

"it's okay if you—"

"i'd like that a lot, actually. it'll be fun."

"i'll see you soon then..."

the two parted ways and soon, wooyoung was at home again. he snuck inside and up to his bedroom, where yeosang was still peacefully sleeping. wooyoung let out a sigh and got in bed, holding his blankets close to his chest.

it was then that he realized he had no way of contacting san, and didn't even know the boy's surname so he could try to find him online.

the boy was at a loss for what to do. he felt defeated, not yet aware of how much their small interaction would affect his life.

welcome to my woosan au!! i'm so happy to finally be publishing this :) i'm really proud of it & i think you're going to love it! enjoy <3

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