- eleven -

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tw / mentions of suicidal thoughts

san had been really nervous about telling his parents he was moving out. he didn't know how they'd react, or if he'd even be able to make it out. he avoided being home at all costs, but he knew that he'd have to get the rest of his stuff eventually.

"woo? i'm scared..."

"i know it's scary, san... i know. but you have to do it eventually..."

"c-can i go tomorrow?"

"you can go when you're ready, but it just can't wait too long," wooyoung reminded him softly, squeezing the boy's hand.

"i'll go tomorrow, i promise. can we go visit my friends today though? they really want to meet you, woo..."

"i-i don't know..."

"it's okay if you don't want to go.. or if you want to go but you're not ready to meet them, you can always go visit your friends."

"i-i'm just scared... you meeting my friends went so bad, w-what if meeting yours goes bad too?"

san pressed his forehead to wooyoung's and cupped the boy's cheeks gently, relaxing him instantly.

"i promise, nothing bad is going to happen... the only person you would have any reason to be worried about is jongho, but that's just because he tends to be a little cold at first. he's not mean though, i promise."

wooyoung nodded, taking a deep, shaky breath.

"o-okay... let's go, then."

"and woo? if we get there and you change your mind, it's okay. i won't be upset if you want to go home or go hang out with your friends."

"thank you," wooyoung whispered, leaning over and pecking san's cheek lightly.

san smiled a bit at wooyoung's actions, and wooyoung quickly noticed. san didn't smile often (at least not a real smile), but when he did, wooyoung was always blown away.

"i think your smile will be stuck in my head forever," wooyoung mentioned, smiling a bit himself.

san got shy at this comment and hid his face a bit, causing wooyoung to laugh a bit.

"i love your smile, sannie... i really do."

"i love yours too, woo... now stop making me blush," san said with a small smirk, beginning to tickle the boy.

wooyoung began to squirm, laughing until he was out of breath. he leaned against san a bit as he began to relax, then quickly got up, pulling san with him.

"c'mon, let's get ready.. we wanna get there as early as possible so we have a good amount of time with them," he said.

the two boys quickly got ready and headed to the train station, where they had a small fight over who would pay for their tickets (wooyoung won) and then got on the train.

when they arrived at the campus, san began to get excited. it had been a while since he had hung out with his friends, as he had been spending the majority of his time with wooyoung.

being on campus also brought forth a lot of emotions from wooyoung, anger running through his veins as he thought about what had happened the last time he was there.


"what's up, woo?"

"can i meet you there? o-or leave a bit early to see my friends?"

"yeah, of course. do whatever you prefer, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, squeezing san's hand a bit tighter.

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