- twenty eight -

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a couple of weeks had passed since san's initial evaluation and he still wasn't sure how he felt about having to go to therapy and take pills every day. he couldn't say he hated it, but he definitely didn't love it. wooyoung could see this too, but did his best to encourage san in any way possible.

"hey, did you take your pills yet? we have to get going soon so you're not late for class..."

"woo... d-do i have to?" san whined slightly.

"sannie... you know you do... do it for me, please?"

san sighed and nodded, giving in and kissing wooyoung on the forehead before he went over and took his pills.

wooyoung knew san was hesitant about taking any pills, especially since his most recent attempt had involved them. it wasn't a daily thing for wooyoung to have to ask san to take them, only on his bad days. he had been pretty good about taking them on his own, before wooyoung asked.

"thank you, sannie..." wooyoung whispered, pecking san's cheek. "now let's go, you don't wanna be late."

"okay, baby... but you owe me a kiss when we're on the train," san joked, smiling.

wooyoung just rolled his eyes and grabbed san's hand, pulling him out of the house and toward's the train station. the two walked together in a peaceful silence, until wooyoung stopped dead in his tracks as they started to pass by the cemetery.

"woo... you wanna go say hi to her?"

wooyoung nodded, gripping onto san's hand tightly. san led him into the cemetery and over to where jisoo's headstone was. to both boys' displeasure, they found her headstone cracked, the dirt around it kicked up.

"j-jisu... s-sannie, w-who did this?" wooyoung cried, looking into san's eyes with a broken expression.

"i don't know, bub... i don't know. but i promise we'll find out who it was and they'll pay for it... i promise," san said softly, pulling wooyoung close and beginning to rub his back.

wooyoung cried in san's arms for a couple of minutes before kneeling down and lightly touching the headstone.

"i-i'm sorry, jisu... i-i s-should've protected y-you... i-if i had just k-kept my promise... t-this wouldn't have h-happened..."

"woo... this isn't your fault, baby," san insisted, kneeling down next to wooyoung. "what did you promise her?"

"t-that i'd visit e-every day..."

"that's a lot to promise... it's okay that you broke that promise, bub. some days are harder than others, it's unrealistic for you to be able to visit every day. how about making a new promise? a more realistic one..."

"l-like what?"

"how about... you promise you'll visit at least once a week. and if there's a week you can't visit, you come at least twice another week. how's that sound?"


"okay... let's get you home now, yeah?"

"b-but... you need to get to school..."

"and i will, but i want to get you home first. you're a bit shaken up, i'd rather you be safe and sound at home than have to deal with a train ride and be alone in someone else's room... plus, this way when your mom gets home you can tell her what happened right away."


"no arguing, woo. i want you to go relax at home, you can call me if anything happens or you need me, you know that."

wooyoung sighed and sniffled, then nodded.


"thank you, angel... let's go now..."

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