- nineteen -

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tw / self harm & suicidal thoughts

it had been nearly half an hour since san had left to use the bathroom, and wooyoung was beginning to get worried. when san still wasn't back a few minutes later, wooyoung got up and went over to hongjoong's bed, shaking him gently.

"joongie... joongie, please wake up..." he whimpered.

hearing how desperate and upset wooyoung sounded, hongjoong woke up quickly, sitting up and gently taking wooyoung's hand.

"what's wrong, woo?"

"san... h-he left to go to the bathroom half an hour ago a-and isn't back yet..."

"go check on him, i'll be okay," hongjoong said softly, squeezing the younger's hand.

"n-no... he'd kill me if i left you alone..."

"i'll call jongho to come over then, okay?"

wooyoung nodded and hongjoong grabbed his phone, calling jongho. the younger agreed to come over, but made sure to let hongjoong know that yeosang was coming with him. a small smile was put on wooyoung's face hearing this, he was really glad that his friends had gotten along so well with san's.

"you don't have to wait for them, woo. they'll be here in two minutes tops, go find san."

wooyoung nodded, hugging hongjoong before leaving the room.

meanwhile, san sat in the bathroom, staring at his blood covered leg. he felt dizzy and tired from what he had done. tears burned his eyes as he tried to work up enough energy to clean himself up, but the more he tried, the more he felt like he was going to pass out.

"san? a-are you in here?" wooyoung said softly, entering the bathrooms on hongjoong's floor.

san immediately tensed as he heard wooyoung's voice. he never wanted for the younger to see him this way, but it was seeming to become inevitable at this point.

"sannie... w-where are you?" he whimpered, walking further in.

"i-i'm here, woo..."

"w-what's taking you so long? a-are you feeling okay?"

"i'm just feeling a little sick, that's all," san lied. "i would've texted you but i left my phone in hongjoong's room..."

"a-are you sure?"

"is hongjoong alone?" san asked, changing the topic.

"jongho and yeosang are with him... sannie, answer my question..."

"go away, woo... i don't want you to see me like this," san begged.

"you're not sick. why are you lying to me, san?" wooyoung whimpered, realizing quickly how the boy was avoiding his question.

"it's nothing, wooyoung..."

"stop it! why won't you just open up to me?!" wooyoung asked angrily. "you say i mean a lot to you, but you won't let me see every side of you... i'm sick of all these secrets, san. i-i'm in love with you, yet i feel like i barely know you..."

"y-you... you love me?"

"i do. i love you, choi san..."

san took a deep breath before unlocking the stall he was in, getting ready to let wooyoung in.

"d-don't panic when you see me..." san said softly.

"i won't..."

wooyoung opened the door and gasped a bit, walking into the small stall and closing the door behind him. he cupped san's cheeks and looked at him, frowning as he wiped san's tearstained cheeks.

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