- thirty -

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the day had finally come. san was finally going to ask wooyoung to officially be his boyfriend. everything was perfectly planned, now all that was left was the execution of it all.

"sannie, are you sure you're okay with me hanging out with yunho, sangie and joongie today?"

"why wouldn't i be? they're your friends, bub," san chuckled softly.

"well... joongie was your friend first."

"but he's your friend too, woo. my friends are your friends too."

"but you're sure?"

"woo... baby, of course i'm okay with you going to hang out with them. i'll take the train with you and then i'll go hang out with mingi and maybe jongho will be there too, i'm not sure."


the two boys finished getting ready for the day and made their way to the train station, hands locked. it was a warm and sunny day, perfect for what san had planned. wooyoung smiled a bit as they got to the platform, taking in the sunshine.

"you look so perfect..." san whispered, letting go of wooyoung's hand and stepping back so he could get a picture of the boy.

"sannie, don't embarrass me!"

"i can't help it, you look so good today!"

"you do too, san..." wooyoung muttered, hiding his face.

"thank you, angel," san said softly, pulling wooyoung close and kissing his head.

the train soon arrived and the two boarded, sitting down. they tangled their legs together and wooyoung rested his head on san's shoulder, then they were on their way.

upon their arrival, san walked wooyoung to yeosang and yunho's room, then went on his way to meet mingi, jongho and seonghwa. but when he got there, jongho and seonghwa were arguing, mingi trying his best to stop them.

"you're kidding me, right?" san scoffed, his anger quickly building. "who started it?"

both boys were silent, but quick to point at each other. san rolled his eyes and shook his head, then asked again.

"either own up to it or fucking stop it, today's really important to me and i'd appreciate it if you just focused on the reason you're both here."

"well sorry for giving a shit about yeosang," jongho muttered.

"jongho... how many fucking times are we gonna have to tell you this? sangie forgave him! let it go, it's in the past now."

"but joongie's still hurting.."

"okay, but he's trying. seonghwa is showing him that he deserves forgiveness, and joongie is slowly forgiving him. i don't even think seonghwa expected the opportunity for forgiveness from him."

"i-i didn't, honestly..." seonghwa added in.

"see? give it a rest, jjong."

"i can't! i wish i could, but i really can't. you don't understand, san. you're not the one who helped sangie through the anxiety attacks he had whenever he came to hang out with everyone. you're not the one who held him every time he cried because he was so hurt. you're not the one he called when he blamed himself for joongie being so upset. it was all me. i was the one who was there. not you."

"when are you going to admit it, jongho?" mingi asked.

"admit what?" jongho snapped.

"admit that you like yeosang... it's so obvious that you do..."

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