- twelve -

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wooyoung woke up a couple hours later in a room he didn't recognize. he heard san's laughter as he opened his eyes and began to sit up, seeing the latter with three unfamiliar boys.

"he's awake, san," the shortest of the three, who wooyoung recognized from when he had first arrived, said, noticing wooyoung beginning to wake up.

san put down the cards he was holding and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to wooyoung.

"hey... did you sleep well?" san asked softly.

"mhmm," wooyoung muttered, yawning a bit.

"how are you feeling? are you hungry or anything? joong has snacks if you want..."

"i'm just.. i don't know," wooyoung sighed.

"it's okay, woo. wanna play uno with us? we're almost done with this round..."

wooyoung nodded, reaching for san a bit. san chuckled and picked the boy up, kissing his cheek and carrying him over to the table.

"hi wooyoung! i'm hongjoong," hongjoong greeted with a smile.

"h-hi," wooyoung said softly.

"i'm mingi!"

"and i'm jongho," the boy said with a gummy smile.

"you're the one san said was cold, but i don't see it," wooyoung giggled, pointing at jongho.

"hey!" san whined. "you weren't supposed to tell him i said that!"


san looked at wooyoung with loving eyes and hugged the boy close to him, smiling brightly. hongjoong quickly took notice and smirked a bit, then nudged jongho to point out his observation as well.

"ready to finish our game so we can deal wooyoung in?" jongho asked.

the boys all nodded and wooyoung rested his head on san's shoulder as they finished their game. when they started the next one, wooyoung moved off of san's lap so that the boy couldn't see his cards.

wooyoung had completely forgotten about what had happened earlier while he played the game. san's friends made wooyoung feel extremely welcome and like he really belonged there.

"uno!" wooyoung called out.

"no way, already?!" san asked jokingly.

"yes, already," wooyoung smirked.

there was another knock on hongjoong's door, interrupting their game. hongjoong looked confused as he got up and went over to the door, opening it slowly.

"i-is wooyoung here?" a soft voice that wooyoung quickly recognized as yunho's asked.

wooyoung got up and went over to the door, surprised to see yunho.

"i thought you sided with them..." he said bluntly.

"no... i-i didn't. i always thought that they were wrong for doing that, i've even told them that. i just didn't want sangie to have an anxiety attack..."

"why are you here?"

"they're mad that i was right... a-and apparently yeosang has a crush on seonghwa too..."

"i forgot you liked him..." wooyoung admitted. "what happened?"

"you left, seonghwa was pissed. he yelled at me, i-i don't really know why. yeosang got angry with me too, blamed me for ruining his friendship with you... a-and he kissed seonghwa after that. just to rub it in my face, i guess..."

"yunho... i'm sorry... i-i'm so sorry."

"it's okay... i never would have actually gotten with hwa, you know how i am..."

"still doesn't make any of this right... they just don't want to admit they're in the wrong with all this and they're taking it out on you, i'm sorry."

"it's okay, i just... i didn't know where to go."

"come inside," hongjoong offered, a small smile on his face.

"a-are you sure?"

"of course! i'm hongjoong. this is mingi, and you already know jongho and san."

yunho walked in and locked eyes with mingi, then started to blush. mingi offered up his seat, which was beside wooyoung, then grabbed another chair and sat between yunho and jongho. wooyoung gently took yunho's hand, squeezing it for a moment before realizing that until yeosang and seonghwa cooled off, yunho had no where to sleep.

"hongjoong? do you have a roommate?" he asked softly.

"no, it's just me in here. the guy i was supposed to room with spent two days here before dropping out."

"could yunho stay with you? just for the night..."

"he can stay as long as he needs," hongjoong smiled.

"i-i don't have any clothes with me..." yunho said softly, scratching the back of his neck.

"you're about the same height as me... a little taller. some of mine might fit," mingi offered.

"are you sure?"

"yeah! and if you want some of your own clothes, i'll come with you to go get them so you don't have to face your so-called friends alone..."

"i'd like that," yunho remarked, smiling a bit.

wooyoung began to smile as he saw yunho getting comfortable with his new friends. san noticed too, and gently squeezed wooyoung's hand. the group then went back to playing uno until it was time for san and wooyoung to get to the train station, at which point they all said their goodbyes.

wooyoung was hesitant to leave, filled with worry about how yeosang and seonghwa would treat yunho in coming days. san noticed and made sure wooyoung knew that yunho would be safe with hongjoong, jongho, and mingi.

the two headed home, and when they arrived, wooyoung's parents had dinner ready. it wasn't often that the two boys ate with the adults, usually san was still doing homework and wooyoung usually liked to wait until san was done to go eat. they ate in near silence, but it was comfortable. soon, everyone had finished and the boys offered to clear the kitchen.

they cleared the kitchen at a quick pace, smiling and laughing with each other, then headed upstairs.

"i'm gonna go shower," san said softly.

"c-can i join you?" wooyoung asked.

"patience, woo... we don't wanna move too fast."

wooyoung nodded and kissed san's cheek, allowing him to leave the room. everything felt right with san, it made wooyoung happier than ever.

every moment was perfect, as long as he had san.

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