- twenty -

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the next couple of days, wooyoung insisted on san staying home and taking care of himself. san was hesitant about it, having not wanted to miss classes, but gave in knowing that wooyoung only wanted the best for him.

the two boys laid comfortably in their shared bed, their legs tangled together and wooyoung resting his head on san's chest, san playing with the younger's hair. the moment was blissful, all of the boys' worries seeming distant.

"how are you doing, sannie?" wooyoung asked softly, tracing shapes on the boy's stomach.

"i'm okay, woo... i could always be better though."

"talk to me... what's going through your head?"

"i just wish i was happy, honestly. i'm tired of feeling this way," san explained, sighing.

"i get that," wooyoung said softly, kissing his chest. "what if we do something this weekend? i'll take you to a bunch of places that make me happy, we can try to have some fun."

"woo... are you sure?"

"of course i'm sure. if there's one thing i can do for you right now, i want it to be sharing what makes me happy with you. i know i can't force you to be happy, but even if i can put a smile on your face it'll be enough for me."

"you mean the whole world to me, bub... you know that?"

"i do," wooyoung whispered, looking up at san.

san cupped wooyoung's cheek gently and smiled, making wooyoung's heart flutter as he leaned down and kissed the boy. every kiss felt like their first, and they couldn't ask for anything more. wooyoung smiled slightly as they began to pull away, then pressed his forehead to san's.

"i really do love you, san. i can't imagine life without you..."

"i'm so glad that i have you... y-you saved me, woo. you really did."

wooyoung pecked san's lips before sitting up and running his fingers through the older's hair. san hummed at the feeling, closing his eyes a bit in enjoyment.

"the school day's almost over... wanna go see the guys?" wooyoung asked.

"what if they ask about how i've been? woo... they still don't know," san said in a panicked tone.

"from what they know, you were sick and i've been keeping you home to make sure you're eating and staying hydrated. if they ask how you've been you can just tell them you're doing okay and getting better, it's gonna be okay, san."

"you're sure?"

"i am. you wanna go?"

"i need to shower first, but yes," san said softly.

wooyoung nodded, then the two got up and got their clothes set out for the day. since wooyoung had found out about san's habits, he rarely ever left the boy alone. anytime that he could be a danger to himself, wooyoung made sure he was there to keep anything from happening.

"d-do you think i'm ready to go in there alone?" san asked.

"if you think you won't be tempted, then yes. but if you think you will, i'll come with you and sit there.."

"i-i think i wanna try... you'll be here if i need you?"

"of course i will, sannie. say my name, and i'll be there."

san nodded and kissed wooyoung's cheek before gathering his things and headed to the bathroom. wooyoung smiled and got changed, then sat down on his bed and began to scroll through instagram while he waited for san to come back. he saw a few texts from his friends coming through and quickly furrowed his eyebrows, concerned at some of what he was seeing.

three musketeers

did you guys hear?

hear what????

seonghwa got into a pretty
bad fight today..

why are you telling us this??

because of the reason behind
the fight

which was???

he was sticking up for joongie

why was he even near joongie????
i don't want him getting hurt :(

he wasn't.. he was passing by &
he heard the commotion, was just
taking a peek & when he saw that it
was someone messing with joongie, he
ran over and stepped in

oh, wow...


so maybe he wasn't lying to san??


that day when you and jongho had to
come to joong's dorm so i could go
find san... he ran into seonghwa before
he got to joong's dorm for lunch break
and seonghwa said he actually liked
him, that he felt bad for being an ass

yet he still decided to be one

maybe, who knows tho.. woo, are u
and san coming to visit today? ik u
said u wanted to

yea, sannie's in the shower rn,
we're heading to the train
station when he's ready

who's dorm are we meeting at???

i think joongie's like usual, i'll lyk

see u soon!!

wooyoung put down his phone as the door opened and san entered, only wearing his shirt and boxers. he had tears in his eyes as he came over to the bed, sitting next to wooyoung and sighing.

"what happened, sannie?" wooyoung asked with worry, hugging san gently.

"n-nothing, it just stings... i-i couldn't put my pants on without wanting to cry..."

"give it a few minutes, okay? if it still hurts after that maybe we should put some ice on it to help with the sting."

san nodded and the two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before san decided to try putting his pants on again. this time went smoothly, and san let out a sigh in relief as he sat back on the bed, causing wooyoung to giggle.

"ready to go, sannie?"

"i just need to check my texts, i think i have a message from joongie."

"san... i bet i know what he's texting you about."

"you do?"

"it's seonghwa.. he stood up for hongjoong today."

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