- twenty nine -

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"why's he here?" jongho asked coldly, glaring at seonghwa, who awkwardly stood at the door.

"i invited him," san explained.

"s-san..." hongjoong started.

"seonghwa, did you ever even try?" san whispered, recognizing the tone of hongjoong's voice.

seonghwa nodded, squeezing his eyes shut.

"i-it didn't go very well..." he said.

san grabbed seonghwa's hand and pulled him farther into the room, then looked around.

"i need to talk to seonghwa and hongjoong... alone. could you guys wait outside for a moment?"

the boys all nodded and left quickly, then san looked between seonghwa and hongjoong.

"joongie... i know he hurt you. he hurt me too, but you need to at least hear him out. i did... i still haven't completely forgiven him, but i'm trying, and so is he. he's wooyoung's friend, we need to at least try..."

"h-he used me..."

"n-no... i didn't mean for you to feel that way, hongjoong. i-i liked you from the start... i made a mistake, a bad one. i felt like i had to date yeosang when he kissed me and i did, and when we broke up... i couldn't keep my mouth shut, i was an ass and i regret it... a-and then i couldn't help myself a-and i wanted to be with you so bad... t-that i just jumped in, and things went the wrong way. i should've waited... i shouldn't have jumped right in. i hurt you and yeosang a lot more than i meant to... hell, i never wanted to hurt anyone... i'm sorry, hongjoong. so, so sorry..."

"y-you liked me?"

"i still do..."

"what do you say, joongie? will you try?" san asked softly.

"y-yes... if he's willing to prove he's sorry."

"i'll do anything..."

"then it's settled. i need all of your help with this, so thank you for being willing to try... both of you."

san walked over to the door and let the others back in, nodding.

"so why'd you want us all to meet you here?" mingi asked, snaking his arm around yunho's waist.

"i want to ask wooyoung to be my boyfriend... officially. a-and i want all of you to be a part of it somehow."

"look at that! our babies are finally growing up!" hongjoong said excitedly, clapping.

seonghwa stared at the boy in awe, a smile forming on his lips as he watched the boy clapping his small hands together.

"well... the weather's starting to get really nice," seonghwa started, finally sitting down on hongjoong's bed. "how about a picnic?"

"woo would love that... he loves cheesy romantic things," yeosang added.

"and good food, but i'm sure you knew that," yunho laughed.

"that's a great idea! do you think you guys would be able to distract him some day soon so that i can surprise him with it? and mingi, jongho and joongie, could you help me set up?"

"c-can seonghwa and i switch? i wanna help distract wooyoung..." hongjoong said softly.

"of course, joongie. whatever you'd like."

"if he's helping set up then i'm not," jongho insisted.

"jongho..." san sighed.

"what? he hurt you, san! and he hurt sangie and joongie... i don't know if i'll be able to keep myself from beating the hell out of him."

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