- ten -

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san woke up around one in the afternoon, wooyoung still in his arms. he recalled all that had happened the night prior and pulled wooyoung closer, not wanting to lose the boy again. he knew it was inevitable though... it seemed like he lost everyone that he cared about at some point.

wooyoung made san feel safe. he felt like home was with wooyoung. all he could ever think about was how things felt right with the younger boy. but he knew he couldn't be with him. being with someone would mean having to open up even more, and that wasn't something that san thought he could do.

soon, wooyoung began to stir in san's arms, smiling up at the boy.

"did you sleep well?" san croaked.

wooyoung nodded, then rested his head on san's shoulder.

"did you?" he asked, gently taking san's hand.

san nodded and squeezed wooyoung's hand, thinking about how perfect the feeling was. maybe just this once he could let his walls down...

"san... i-i know we haven't known each other that long or anything, but would you want to move in? i-i know it's sudden and all, i'm just worried about you. every time i see new bruises, i get sick to my stomach wondering what your dad did to you... i'm just— i'm scared of losing you too.." wooyoung explained nervously.


"n-no... it's okay if you don't want to, i-i just—"

"woo, it's not that i don't want to. in fact, i'd absolutely love to... it's just that i can't. if i don't stay there, they won't help me pay for school, and i'll have to drop out. i-i can't afford it on my own..."

"what if i helped?"

"i can't ask you to do that..."

"san, not like that. i'll help you find a way to pay. and if you can't come up with the money in time for a payment, i'll give you some money. if you want to pay me back after, you can, but i won't mind it if you can't."

"wooyoung..." san started, tears welling up in his eyes a bit from the overwhelming love he was receiving from the latter.

"hey... don't cry, it's okay..." wooyoung whispered, hugging the boy.

"wooyoung, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me... i don't even know how to explain it..."

"you don't have to explain it, sannie... the feeling is mutual," wooyoung said with a smile.

"really?" san asked hopefully.

"really... you came into my life at my lowest point, and you picked me up and helped me out of it. sure, i'm still hurting. i still miss my sister a ton... but you were there, and you helped. you make me happy, san. you really do."

"i-i can't lie to you and say you make me happy too, because no one and nothing really makes me happy... but you do make me feel. i-i've felt empty inside for as long as i could remember, but then you came along and suddenly things were different. i don't feel as empty anymore..."

"that's all i can ask for.. i want you to be happy, but i know it's not easy. just feeling is a step, and i'm glad i helped with that."

"i'll move in with you, woo..."

"what are you going to tell your parents?"

"i-i'll tell them that a dorm opened up on campus and they're offering it to me for free... if that doesn't work, i'll just sneak out."

"you're sure?"

san hesitated before nodding and resting his forehead against wooyoung's. the younger's breath hitched as their faces grew close, then san realized what was happening and pulled away.


"don't be sorry, sannie..." wooyoung said softly. "i liked it..."

"i liked it too, woo..."

a couple of moments of silence passed, then wooyoung, feeling a bit bold, finally spoke.

"kiss me..."

"w-what?" san asked, panicking a bit.

"kiss me, san."



wooyoung shrunk back and went to move away from san, but san stopped him by cupping his cheeks.

"wooyoung, why do you want me to kiss you?"

"b-because..." he muttered, tears beginning to fill his eyes.

"because why, woo?"

"i-if you don't want to kiss me just say it, san!" wooyoung yelled frustratedly.

"i haven't said that i don't for a reason. i just wanna know why you want me to kiss you."

"i-i don't know, okay? i-it just feels right.."

san nodded, then leaned in and pressed his lips to wooyoung's. wooyoung grew tense out of nerves, but quickly relaxed into the feeling of san's lips on his own. the moment didn't last very long, but as soon as the two pulled apart, they didn't want to leave each other's sides.

"woo... i like you... i-i like you a lot, but i can't—"

"san, stop.. i like you too, but i get it. i promise. don't feel pressured to be with me if you're not ready, i'll wait for you."

"you will?"

"i will. i'll always wait. i've only known you for what, three months? but to me, it's felt like a lifetime. you're everything i could ever want and more. i want you to find happiness, san. i want you happy."

"y-you do?"

"yes... of course. you deserve to be happy, san."

those words stuck to san. he wondered if he really deserved happiness. what was that like? but one thing was for sure, san's thoughts had changed.

he wanted to be happy.

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