- twenty one -

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wooyoung and san made their way to campus and rushed to hongjoong's dorm, finding him curled up on his bed, holding his knees to his chest. san sighed and pulled him close, beginning to rub his back while wooyoung quickly texted their friends that they could meet them at hongjoong's dorm.

"joongie, wooyoung heard what seonghwa did... how are you holding up?"

"h-he stood up for me... i-i thought he was an asshole?"

"maybe he felt bad?" wooyoung suggested.


"don't overthink it, joongie... you deserve better than him.." san insisted.

"i-i know i do, but—"

"no but's, joong. he has to prove himself if he even wants to think about ever being with you. you deserve only the best, not some wishy washy scumbag."

there was a knock on the door and yunho, mingi and yeosang walked inside. yeosang quickly sat down beside hongjoong and rested his hand on his shoulder, almost as if to say that it was all going to be okay, while yunho and mingi went and sat on the other bed, a bit closer than usual.

"where's jongho?" san asked, looking between the three.

yeosang's face fell slightly at the mention of the boy, but only wooyoung seemed to notice.

"he's probably with some girl or something, i'm not really sure," mingi said with a shrug.

"he's no fun! i wanted to play truth or dare with all of us here," yunho whined, pouting.

"truth or dare?" hongjoong asked, questioning the boy's choice of game.

"why truth or dare?" wooyoung laughed.

"because i want to find out who you idiots like!"

"well, we all know who i like," san said softly.

"yeah, it's not much of a secret for me either..." wooyoung added.

"and i'm just trying to get over seonghwa right now," hongjoong shrugged, a sad look on his face.

"okay fine, then can you two just tell me who you like already?" yunho pouted.

"isn't it obvious?" mingi asked, shocked.

yunho shook his head, crossing his arms, and mingi laughed at the boy's cute gesture.

"i like you, idiot," he smiled.

"y-you do?"

"you act like i haven't kissed you!"

"you WHAT?!" wooyoung yelled, standing up.

"i thought you were just being a dumb drunk!"

"i only had one drink, yuyu.. i was barely even buzzed."

"everybody, pause... i can't believe you guys kissed and didn't care to tell us!" wooyoung said.

"right, i thought we were best friends," yeosang joked.

"i didn't think much of it, i thought he was drunk! that's why i didn't tell you guys!" yunho explained frantically.

"mingi, be good to him, he's bad with his feelings," yeosang said with a laugh.


"sangie, why do you hate me?" yunho pouted.

"i'm just making sure he knows! don't act like you don't like him back, it's painfully obvious that you do."

yeosang rolled his eyes and hongjoong began to laugh, giving san a sense of relief, then yunho quickly hid his face as his cheeks started to redden.

"how about you, sangie? who do you like?" san asked.

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