- twenty five -

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tw / brief mentions of suicidal thoughts (again... very brief, only mentioned in a couple sentences)

wooyoung practically had to drag san to seonghwa's dorm, but he wasn't going to let seonghwa lose hope so quickly. he knew that the boy could fix things, but it was going to take time for things to heal completely.

"san... please, do this for me..." wooyoung begged.

"but he hurt you! he hurt us, woo... not to mention that he hurt our best friends..."

"san, i-i know... but i promised him we'd be here."

"why?" san asked harshly.

"because i don't want him to lose hope. he texted sangie last night, saying he needed someone to talk to. sangie was cautious about going, but he felt like something was wrong and he was right... san, he wanted to hurt himself. sangie panicked a bit and called me, i helped sangie talk him down. and then he asked if we could come here today... he wants to apologize, san. he wants to right his wrongs."

san sighed, taking wooyoung's hands.

"are you sure this is a good idea?"

"i'm absolutely sure. you just need to be patient with him, okay? i know you're angry, but all i'm asking is that you're patient. if you don't want to forgive him in the end, it's okay, but let him down nicely. say you at least appreciate the effort, for me?"

san nodded and pulled the younger into a hug, kissing his forehead. wooyoung smiled, then pulled the boy over to seonghwa's door and knocked.

a splotchy-faced, red-eyed seonghwa opened the door, causing san's heart to drop. wooyoung quickly let go of san's hand to hug to disheveled boy, giving him just the amount of strength he needed to get through his conversation with san.

"h-hi woo... hi san..." he said softly, welcoming them into his room.

"hwa... what happened? this place is a mess, you never let things out of place..." wooyoung asked, shocked.

"i-i don't know... i just... haven't felt like cleaning."

"do you want some help? we can always help you out with getting some stuff cleaned up while we're here..." san offered.

"y-you'd do that?"

"i mean, clearly something's wrong, so... yeah. i don't know you well, but if woo says you never let things out of place and things look like this, i'm going to assume you're in need of some help."

seonghwa nodded, going over and sitting on his bed.

"talk to us, hwa... you don't have to rush into anything, but at least let something off your chest. how are you doing today?" wooyoung asked softly, sitting beside the boy.

san sat down beside wooyoung and rested his hand on the boy's lower back. seonghwa burst into tears, shaking his head.

"i-i haven't been asked that in so long..." seonghwa sighed.

"well today changes that... have you eaten? can i get you anything?"

"i-i'm okay..."

"are you sure?"

seonghwa nodded, sighing a bit. san frowned at the state the boy was in, but stayed quiet.

"i-i guess i should start talking..."

"take your time, hwa... we're not going anywhere," wooyoung assured.

"no... i need to get this out. san, i-i'm so sorry... sorry for hurting you, for hurting your friendship with wooyoung... i'm sorry for everything i've done that's affected you in some way. that includes hurting hongjoong, a-and trying to get you to help me fix things with him..."

"seonghwa, i'm not going to lie, i have very little respect for you because of what you've done. seeing how you treated yunho, how you broke yeosang and hongjoong's hearts, how you manipulated my friendship with wooyoung... all of it. i can't completely accept your apology. i appreciate your effort and i'm willing to try to forgive you with time, but i'm just not sure i'm ready for that just yet."

seonghwa nodded rapidly, staring at san.

"i'll do anything... a-anything that will help you to forgive me."

"apologize to hongjoong for starters... the boy is so heartbroken that you used him like that. show me that you're not the person i think you are, and you'll have my forgiveness."

"i will... i promise."

"good... now let's get your room cleaned up."

the three boys got to cleaning, and soon, seonghwa was feeling a bit like his usual self. he began to give orders on where things went and wooyoung smiled, feeling relieved. san noticed and felt a bit of relief too, seeing his lover not as anxious.

"we need to head out so i can grab my stuff for my next class, woo..."

"oh my god, break is almost over already?" wooyoung said, surprised.

"you two get out of here, i'll finish up on my own."

"wait... seonghwa, aren't you going to go to your classes?"

"not today, woo..." seonghwa smiled sadly. "i'll go tomorrow, but i'm feeling a bit tired from cleaning... it's been a bit since i've been so productive."

"okay... just please don't skip tomorrow," wooyoung begged.

"seonghwa, i know how you're feeling. definitely try tomorrow, but if you can't handle it, don't feel too pressured to keep going with the day, okay? i'll have woo text you my number in case you need someone to talk to, i know how this feels and i'm willing to give you advice if you need it..." san explained.

"t-thank you..."

seonghwa looked shocked as the boys said their goodbyes, then headed out.

"thank you for listening to him, sannie... it means a lot to me," wooyoung whispered.

"of course... i wouldn't let you down like that. i'm just glad i could help him a little and make you feel better about how things were going... i know you were really worried."

wooyoung nodded and rested his hand on san's neck, pulling him in for a quick but loving kiss.

"that was for always giving your all for me," wooyoung said with a smile. "i love you, sannie..."

"and i love you."

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