- fifteen -

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two weeks had passed since san had gone to get his stuff. his wrist was badly sprained, and he was constantly tired. wooyoung was more worried now than he had been when san first arrived home. san struggled to make it through each day of classes, to the extent that he didn't even want to go to school anymore.

wooyoung had started taking the train to campus with the boy each morning and staying in hongjoong's dorm until lunch break, when san and wooyoung would either go home or have lunch together, depending on how san was feeling that day. san had finally told his friends about his home life, and they were all constantly reminding him that he was safe with them.

today was seeming to be a better day for san. he was a bit more energetic and smiled the slightest bit more, although wooyoung knew that san was still having a rough time. when lunch break finally came, the boy looked exhausted, but insisted on staying for his afternoon classes.

"then at least take a nap, sannie... for me?" wooyoung asked, looking at san worriedly.

san sighed and nodded, laying down in hongjoong's free bed, which had previously been occupied by yunho. yeosang and seonghwa had finally apologized to yunho and things were going much better for the three, but yunho still spent a lot of time with mingi, jongho, and hongjoong on campus.

there was a knock at the door as san closed his eyes, only causing him to open them again.

"get some rest, san... i've got the door," wooyoung said softly, kissing the boy's forehead before making his way to the door.

wooyoung opened the door to see yunho and yeosang standing before him.

"oh... hey," wooyoung said, confused.

"hey, woo," yunho smiled. "i'm sorry if we came at a bad time, yeosang wanted to see you..."

"um... just gimme a sec, i need to tell san that i'll be back in a minute... he's trying to take a nap," wooyoung explained.

yunho nodded and wooyoung quickly made his way back into the room.

"who was it?" san muttered.

"it's yunho and yeosang... a-apparently yeosang wanted to see me..."

"woo..." san said worriedly, sitting up.

"i'll be okay, sannie. i'm just gonna talk to him for a few minutes, i think we're gonna go outside. just try to nap, okay? i'll be back soon..."

"you're sure you'll be okay?"

"i'm sure... yunho will be there too, i'll be okay."

san nodded and laid back down, receiving a kiss on the cheek from wooyoung before he exited the room.

"let's walk, if that's okay?" wooyoung suggested, to which yeosang and yunho both nodded.

the three boys started walking, heading outside to talk.

"i-i miss you..." yeosang said softly.

"i miss you too, sangie... but what you and seonghwa did... i—"

"i'm sorry, woo... i'm so sorry. i wasn't thinking about the bigger picture, i-i just wanted to protect you..."


"i'm not done, woo... i owe both you and san apologies. so does seonghwa, but he's being difficult. i miss the way things were, i miss being best friends."

"i miss it too... but i can't accept your apology until you apologize to san. this hurt him more than it hurt me, whether you believe it or not..."

yeosang nodded quickly, gently grabbing wooyoung's hand.

"i-i'll do anything if it means getting forgiveness. i promise, wooyoung," yeosang said softly, squeezing wooyoung's hand.

"you mean that?"

"yes.. i do."

"then break up with seonghwa."

"h-how'd you—"

"it's like you forget that yunho's one of my best friends too... sangie, you can't date seonghwa knowing that yunho liked him when you guys started going out."

"but he doesn't like him anymore..." yeosang mumbled.

"it still doesn't make it right. please, sangie. trust me..."

yunho's face fell a bit, then he shook his head.

"woo, it's okay.. i'm okay with them being together," he lied.

"no you're not. if you really were okay with it, you wouldn't have called me crying so many times," wooyoung said, getting a little angry.

"what?" yeosang asked, obviously a bit upset that yunho had lied.

"i just want everyone happy, and if hwa makes sangie happy then i'm happy."

wooyoung shook his head and hugged yunho, then shortly after, yeosang joined in.

"i love you guys, i really do hope you know that," wooyoung said.

"i love you too... even though i show it in dumb ways," yeosang chuckled.

"i could say the same," yunho laughed.

wooyoung pulled out his phone and checked the time, seeing there were only a few minutes left in lunch break.

"i should get back to hongjoong's room... i need to make sure san's awake."

"is he okay? i noticed his arm's in a brace..." yeosang asked nervously.

"yeah... he will be at least."

"he's in good hands," yunho said with a smile.

wooyoung blushed a bit, pushing his hair back.

"let's get you back there then," yeosang insisted.

the boys walked back to hongjoong's dorm room, where they said their goodbyes.

"come by here at lunch break tomorrow, you can apologize to san then," wooyoung said softly, hugging yeosang lightly.

"sounds good... see you tomorrow, woo," yeosang agreed, hugging back.

"see you," wooyoung waved, entering hongjoong's room.

san was fast asleep, causing a smile on wooyoung's face. he sat at the edge of the bed and gently shook san, causing groans from the boy.

"sannie.. lunch break's nearly over, you gotta get up."

"five more minutes..." he muttered.

"you don't even have three minutes," wooyoung laughed.

"then can we just go home? i'm tired..."

"san.. you're starting to worry me..."

san sighed and sat up, wrapping his arms around wooyoung's waist.

"there's nothing to worry about, woo.. i'm okay, i just haven't been getting enough sleep at night."

"then tonight i'm making sure you get to sleep first, okay? you're always taking care of me, now it's my turn to take care of you," wooyoung said softly, kissing san's cheek.

"you don't have to do that..."

"please let me, sannie," wooyoung pleaded.

san nodded, chewing his lip a bit.


"we can go home if you want to, but you need to eat something when we get there.. sound good?"

"sounds good, woo."

the two boys got up, locking hands as they left hongjoong's room and headed to the train station. san felt incredibly blessed to have wooyoung by his side, and much like wooyoung felt with san, he felt like the younger was his angel sent from above.

he knew that he couldn't lose wooyoung, the boy was just too special to him.

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