- thirty three -

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tw / mentions of self harm & suicidal thoughts

seonghwa and hongjoong had finally made their way back to hongjoong's room, both boys nervous and feeling a bit awkward.

"are you sure you're okay with me staying?" seonghwa asked.

hongjoong nodded, making sweater paws. seonghwa smiled slightly at the boy's actions, sitting on the opposite bed, assuming that hongjoong would want his space. but as he did, hongjoong pouted, secretly wanting the closeness.

"what is it? can i not sit here?"

hongjoong shrugged.

"n-no, it's nothing... i was just thinking, that's all..."

"do you wanna talk about it?"

"no..." hongjoong muttered, shaking his head rapidly.

"okay... um, can we get to know each other a bit better?"


"san had asked me a bunch of questions the first time i told him that i liked you... maybe, if you're comfortable... you can answer some of those?"

hongjoong nodded, looking directly into seonghwa's eyes.

"what's your favorite food? i thought it was strawberries, but apparently that's wrong..."

hongjoong giggled a bit, shaking his head.

"it's steak... but i can't eat that a lot. i-i can't stomach a lot of things, i have a really small appetite. that's why you see me eating strawberries a lot."

"well, maybe someday i can take you out and we'll share a steak so you get to have it."


"alright... why do you love dying your hair?"

"it makes me smile, even when things get bad... it gives me something to look forward to, and getting to choose the colors and surprise my friends is really exciting to me. plus, it makes me like how i look a little better..."

"that's cute... really cute. and you look amazing, always... i don't think i've ever seen a hair color look bad on you."

"thank you," hongjoong whispered, shifting a bit nervously.

"what's your favorite thing about yourself?"

"physically? or in general?"

"that's something san never specified that day... he just very angrily asked these questions, but since then i've had them stuck in my head."

"physically, it's my hair... or my eyes. but in general... probably the way i always want my friends happy and the way i'd do anything for them. i think it's something really special about me and it makes me smile..."

a smile grew on seonghwa's face at hongjoong's kind words about himself, admiring the boy.

"alright, the next question seems kind of simple, but since he said it i've thought about it over and over and if i'm being honest, it worried me a little..."

hongjoong frowned, beginning to play with his fingers anxiously. noticing this, seonghwa got up and sat beside hongjoong, gently taking the boy's small hand in his own.

"you don't have to answer it, okay?"

hongjoong nodded, chewing his lip.

"why do you prefer long sleeves?"

the younger of the two tensed almost immediately, biting down hard on his lip. seonghwa noticed this and shook his head, worried.

"ah, joongie, no... open your mouth, you're going to hurt yourself..."

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