- thirty one -

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chapter 31

"yeosang, slow down," jongho said to the boy dragging him away from the gardens.

"no, not yet..." yeosang muttered, continuing on.

"i said slow down, sangie," jongho muttered, squeezing yeosang's hand slightly and stopping in his tracks, causing yeosang to be pulled back. "look at me..."


"hey, don't do this, please... look at me, sangie..." jongho asked softly, reaching for yeosang's other hand.

yeosang shook his head rapidly, keeping his head down. jongho squeezed the boy's hands, encouraging him in a way. yeosang's body shook slightly as he silently cried, embarrassed from the events he had seen unfold in front of him just minutes before.

"sangie... i'm sorry, i'm so sorry..."


"let's go to your room, we can talk there. yeah?"

yeosang nodded and allowed jongho to lead the way, the older boy frantically trying to stop his tears from falling on their short journey.

the two walked inside and yeosang quickly hid himself in his bed, curling up under his covers.

"yeosang..." jongho sighed, sitting down on the edge of the bed and gently resting a hand on yeosang's shoulder. "i'm not sure how much you heard, or saw, but i'm so sorry..."

"h-he's my friend, jjong..."

"i know... i just don't want him to hurt you again, i hated having to see you like that..."

"y-you didn't have to see me like that, you chose to. there's a difference," yeosang snapped slightly, sniffling.

"i chose to because i care, sangie... i just hate that you were hurt in the first place."

"seonghwa's not going to hurt me again..."

"how can you be so sure?"

"i don't like him like that anymore. he can't really hurt me again, at least not to the same extent..."

"but i thought you said you still did? just a few days ago when we were hanging out... you said it."

yeosang shrugged, beginning to sit up a bit.

"i lied..."


"because the guy i like is never gonna like me back, so there's no point in even telling anyone who it is."

"sangie... you can't just hide your feelings like that, no... you're gonna hurt yourself like that."

"and why do you care so much?"

"because we're friends..."

yeosang shook his head, confused a bit.

"you don't understand. wooyoung has been my best friend since we were kids, jjong. he lets me hide my feelings this way because he knows it helps me get over people. you care more than a friend usually would. what san was saying... i-i know it was about me. a-and about you. why do you do this to me?" yeosang asked, his voice breaking slightly.

"w-what do you mean?"

"you say you hate skinship, but then you go and do it with me. you hug me, you hold my hands... you do everything you say you hate with me. a-and you defend me with every move, you worry about me when i'm not there... you keep arguing with seonghwa because you don't want him to hurt me for crying out loud! and yet you still say you don't like me... and that hurts."

"what are you trying to say, sangie? i-i don't understand..."

"god, you're so oblivious!" yeosang yelled in an annoyed tone, moving away from jongho. "i like you, jongho. i fucking like you, and all you do is lead me on... i-i'm sick of it."


"no... i-i don't want to hear it. just go, okay? j-just leave..." yeosang sighed, laying back down and curling up under his blankets.

"if that's what you want..." jongho muttered, smirking as he left the room.

why was he like this? jongho knew he liked yeosang. he had since he first laid eyes on him. but something was holding him back, and he couldn't figure out what it was. perhaps he was scared of hurting the boy. or maybe, it was the fact that he had always preferred girls. but what was so wrong with liking a guy? he knew he was bisexual, so what was making him feel this way? why was he so scared?

minutes later, jongho knocked on yeosang's door again, having finally mustered up the courage to follow through with his confession. yeosang was annoyed that he had to get up, but quickly did, opening the door to see none other than the boy who had just let him down.

"go away..." he mumbled, starting to close the door again.

"i forgot something, yeosang," jongho insisted, holding the door open.

"what did you forget? i'll grab it for you..."

"this," jongho muttered, quickly cupping yeosang's cheeks and pressing a soft kiss to the boy's perfect, pink lips.

the kiss took yeosang by surprise, but the boy gladly caved in to jongho's sweet touch.

as the two pulled apart, yeosang shakily brought his fingers to his lips, unsure if the events that had just unfolded were real or a figment of his own imagination.

"w-what was that?" yeosang asked, stepping backwards.

"i-i like you, yeosang. i have for a while, i just— i didn't want to. we have a really special bond, i was scared of ruining it. i didn't want my feelings to ruin anything this precious. you mean everything to me, sangie... you really do," jongho admitted.

"you mean it?" yeosang wondered hopefully.

"i do, i really meant it. would you want to go on a date sometime?"

"i'd like that a lot..."

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