- fourteen -

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tw / abuse

wooyoung was sleeping when san left the house. the older didn't want for wooyoung to worry about him, so he made sure to be quick and quiet as he made his way over to his parents' home to get his things.

he walked into the house and froze immediately hearing the dropping of a newspaper in front of him.

"you came home," his father said bluntly.

"yeah... to get my stuff."

"what happened to our deal, san?"

"the university is offering me a dorm room free of charge. i accepted immediately, it's cheaper for me to not have to take the train everyday..."

"well... i hope you like living there when you're going to have to drop out," his father snarled.

"dad, i—"

his father's fist collided with his cheek, causing san to whimper. the boy backed away, trying to head up the stairs, but only being pulled back down. he stumbled down and curled up a bit on the ground, his father beginning to stomp on him. he tried his best not to cry, knowing his tears would only make things worse.

"d-dad, i-i'll just leave, i'm—"

"you're not leaving, san. absolutely not."

san felt his father's hand wrapping tightly around his neck, constricting his air. he tried to pry the hand off his neck, but that only made things more difficult. he was dragged up the stairs and thrown to the ground in his room, his father grabbing one of san's belts and beginning to whip him with it. san simply curled up and let it happen, knowing his father would do as he pleased and he could sneak out the window once he was gone.

it felt like an eternity before he was finally alone. his wrist felt sprained, if not broken, and his entire body ached. san weakly got up and saw he had messages from wooyoung, quickly replying before going back to trying to pack as much of his stuff as possible.

he packed a backpack and a duffel bag, knowing that was probably all he could carry. they were heavy, stuffed to the brim with everything san could possibly need at wooyoung's house. he tried his best not to cry as he grabbed his jacket and tied it securely around his waist before getting ready to leave. without thinking twice, san climbed out his window and used the escape ladder to get down, losing complete feeling in his right hand in the process. the pain had turned to numbness, and he knew it would only get worse after that.

san ran as far as he could before he paused to catch his breath, then pulled out his phone and found more messages from wooyoung.

san, you shouldn't have

san answer me, where are
you???? i'm worried...

call me as soon as you can
i need to hear your voice and
know you're safe...

san dialed wooyoung's number shakily, then put the phone to his ear.


"woo... i—"

"why the fuck did you go alone?! you could've been killed!'

"wooyoung, listen to me. i needed to do this on my own, okay? i didn't want to drag you in. i'm a bit banged up but i got myself out of there and i'm coming home now."

"where are you right now? what street are you on? i'll meet you there..."

"i'll be home within ten minutes, woo. don't worry."

"i can't just not worry about you, sannie..."

"i'll stay on the phone with you until i get there, sound good?"

"mmm... fine."

"did you sleep well, woo?"

the older boy continued to walk as he listened to wooyoung's soft voice over the phone, the two discussing wooyoung's surprisingly good dream. time passed quickly and before they knew it, san was back at the house.

"i'm here, woo.. could you come get the door?"

"of course..."

wooyoung hung up the phone and ran down the steps, opening his door to find a weak and heavily bruised san.

"i'll take your bags, you go to the bathroom and get cleaned up, i'll meet you in there to help after," wooyoung insisted.

san only nodded, allowing the younger to take his bags as the two went upstairs. san went into the bathroom and took one look at himself in the mirror before tears welled up in his eyes. he removed the jacket from his waist and carefully took off his shirt, exposing blood from where he had been whipped and the beginnings of new bruises.

wooyoung gasped as he entered the bathroom and saw the marks on san's skin.


"i'm gonna be okay, woo... c-can you just help me get cleaned up?"

wooyoung nodded and went into the cabinet to grab a washcloth and some ointment for san, then wet the cloth with lukewarm water.

"this is gonna sting, okay?"

san didn't respond, but instead squeezed his eyes shut as wooyoung gently treated all the bloody areas of san's skin. san whimpered softly, but was quick to quiet himself. wooyoung put ointment on his skin next, then gently turned the boy to face him.

"you'll never have to deal with them again, sannie... this is your home now," wooyoung whispered. "you're safe here..."

san cupped wooyoung's cheek with his good hand and pressed his lips to the younger's in response, having never felt more loved in his life. it was a short but passionate kiss, just enough to relax san for what was next.

wooyoung had taken notice of how san was avoiding using his right hand and quickly changed the subject out of nerves.

"you haven't been using your right hand... what happened?" wooyoung asked, worried.

"i-i think i sprained it... if not worse..." he muttered, trailing off at the end.

"you need to see a doctor, san..."

"no, please... not yet..."

"sannie... i-i can't risk any more happening to you. please, just get it seen. i'll be with you the whole time, it'll be okay."


"c'mon... please? for me?"

san sighed a bit and nodded, not wanting to let the younger boy down. wooyoung finished cleaning san up, then gently pulled the boy into their room, where san quickly went and laid in bed, curling up a bit.

"put a shirt on so we can get you checked out, san..."

"i-i wanna nap first, please?"

wooyoung saw the tired look in the boy's eyes and frowned, nodding. he was so worried about him, san looked so helpless. when san was comfortable, wooyoung went over and rested his hand on his back, being careful to avoid the marks on san's bare skin.

san fell asleep quickly with wooyoung by his side, getting some of the rest he desperately needed. it was peaceful, but wooyoung's mind was racing, wondering how he could keep san safe from that moment forward.

he never wanted the boy in pain again, and it was his mission to make sure of it.

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