- three -

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wooyoung and yeosang had spent the entire day together after their sleepover, wooyoung trying his best to put a smile on his face for his best friend's benefit.

"wooyoung? i know you're not going to school with us, but would you like to stay with yunho and i for a few days sometime soon? seonghwa said if you wanted you could stay in his dorm too, but i know you don't know his roommate..."

"i-i'll think about it..."


"sangie, please don't push me... i-i love you, but i don't know if i'm ready yet..."

yeosang felt guilty for this. he knew his best friend, he knew the boy was struggling. hell, he was afraid of hurting wooyoung more than the boy was already hurting. everyone was. wooyoung knew this, and secretly hated it. he didn't like being treated so delicately.

"um... yeosang? i-i'm sorry.. i really am," wooyoung muttered.

"what? why?"

"i just... i feel like maybe i haven't been there enough recently."

"woo, don't be sorry. you're doing what you can while still grieving and we're all proud of you for being so strong."

"but i'm not strong..."

"yes you are, you're so strong whether you believe it or not. jisu would be proud..."

at the mention of her name, wooyoung whimpered and bit his lip, trying to avoid crying. yeosang hugged wooyoung tightly and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"wooyoungie.. this is horrible timing, i know... but i have to get to the train station so that i'm home by campus curfew. will you walk with me?"

wooyoung nodded and the two went on their way. they made some small talk, mainly discussing yeosang's life on campus, but the rest of the time they walked in a comfortable silence. not long after they had arrived at the train station, hugged, and parted ways.

it was at that same time that san was arriving back from campus, and as the boy exited the station, he came face to face with wooyoung.

"wooyoung? is that you?" he asked softly.


"thank goodness, i realized we hadn't gotten each other's numbers or anything and i—"

"can we go for that coffee now? is that okay? i-i just... i don't wanna go home yet..."

san noticed the sad look in wooyoung's eyes and nodded.

"of course. will i still be able to get your number after? i really would like to be friends..."

wooyoung nodded, chewing his lips as he tried to hold back tears. san gently held out his hand, not really expecting wooyoung to accept, but wooyoung quickly laced his fingers through san's and the two went on their way.

"so, wooyoung... what were you doing at the train station?"

"dropping my friend off.. h-he had to go back to his campus."

"do you go to a different school?"

"a-actually... i'm not going to university."

"oh, i'm sorry... i didn't mean to overstep like that."

"it's okay, san," wooyoung whispered, squeezing san's hand.

san nodded, but began to beat himself up over assuming the boy went to school, especially when san himself could barely afford it. instead of continuing the conversation, he decided to simply start humming in fear of making things more awkward.

it was peaceful walking with san. wooyoung felt like he had known him forever just by how their hands fit so perfectly together, and how san didn't push for more. wooyoung recognized the song san was humming as save me by bts, and his face lit up a bit.

"you listen to bts?"

san looked over at wooyoung and noticed the boy smiling for the first time since they had met, and all he could do was nod in response. he was blown away by how beautiful wooyoung's smile was.

"they're my favorite!" wooyoung exclaimed.

"really? they're one of mine too," san smiled.

the two arrived at the coffee shop and stepped inside, then went up to the counter and ordered their drinks. san had wooyoung find them a seat while he waited for their orders, which wooyoung hesitantly obliged to. the boy enjoyed the company of the latter already, and he was a bit nervous that san was going to leave instead of come over to their table.

shortly after, san came over to the table and wooyoung let out a quiet sigh of relief. the two sipped their drinks in a comfortable silence, then wooyoung reached over and took san's hand again.

"thank you..." he whispered.

"for what?" san asked, confused.

"for making today feel a little better."

and so it started...

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