- sixteen -

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san desperately wanted to go home during lunch break the following day. things that day were rough, and he found himself embarrassed in a good number of his classes with the amount he was getting wrong. wooyoung wasn't budging though, he wanted san to try. that and he knew yeosang was going to come over to apologize.

as if on cue, there was a knock on the door, and wooyoung opened it to allow yeosang inside. san tensed seeing him, honestly a little worried about what was to come.

"woo... w-what's he doing here?"

"it's okay, san... he came to apologize to you," wooyoung explained, sitting next to san and resting his hand on the boy's knee.

"h-he what?"

"san... i'm so sorry. seonghwa and i were wrong to say that without knowing the truth. w-we didn't really think about things as a whole, we just wanted to protect wooyoung from anyone who could be a threat to his healing. neither one of us realized that you've been such a huge contributor to his happiness and healing. i'm so sorry if we caused you pain by creating a rift between you two... you didn't deserve that..."

"h-how do i know you're not lying to me?"

"yesterday, i said i'd do anything to gain wooyoung's forgiveness. i'll do anything to gain yours too... wooyoung asked me to break up with seonghwa, a-and i did.."

"woo.. did you really?"

wooyoung nodded, staring into san's eyes.

"it hurt yunho, whether he wants to admit it or not. even if he doesn't like seonghwa anymore, it hurt him in the beginning. friends come first."

"seonghwa was gonna dump me anyways," yeosang muttered.

"he— what?" wooyoung asked, worried.

"he's got his eyes on another guy... i-i could tell he wasn't as into it as i was, t-that he was getting sick of having to deal with my anxiety... i just didn't expect him to tell me that he was already planning to dump me when i broke up with him..."


"i'm sorry, yeosang..." san said softly, moving away from wooyoung so that there was space for yeosang to sit between the two.

wooyoung patted the spot and yeosang hesitantly sat down, then leaned his head on wooyoung's shoulder. san rested his hand on yeosang's back as wooyoung began to play with the boy's hair, making the older feel safe with the two.

"i can't believe that both of my best friends liked such an asshole," wooyoung muttered angrily.

"i can't believe my best friend likes him either," san added.

"oh my god, i forgot joongie likes him..."

"w-who's joongie?" yeosang asked.

"hongjoong... this is his room, actually."

yeosang curled up a bit and nodded, sighing. the two younger boys comforted him the best they could until lunch break was about to end. yeosang and san started to gather their things so they could head to their classes when the door opened and hongjoong and seonghwa stumbled in, out of breath between kisses.

yeosang whimpered seeing them, wooyoung quickly getting angry.

"seonghwa," he said angrily, grabbing the boy's shoulder.

san quickly went over to hongjoong and pulled the boy over to his bed, having him sit down, confused.

"how fucking dare you?! it's just one thing after another with you, isn't it?" wooyoung yelled.

"what are you talking about?" seonghwa asked obliviously.

"you're an asshole! why the fuck would you tell sangie that you were going to dump him anyways when he broke things off with you?! and why are you making out with another innocent guy the next day? do you ever think about anyone but yourself?!"

"h-he what?" hongjoong whimpered a bit, feeling stupid for what he had done.

"woo, stop... yeosang..." san said, pointing to the boy who was curled up on the ground behind wooyoung, shaking and crying.

wooyoung quickly sat down with yeosang and hugged him tightly, helping the boy to calm down while seonghwa stood there, feeling guilty for all the pain he had caused.

"seonghwa, i'm gonna have to ask you to leave," san said calmly.

"this isn't your room, choi," seonghwa snarled.

"b-but it's mine, a-and i want you to leave too..." hongjoong said, grabbing san's hand nervously.

seonghwa scoffed and left the room, leaving the four younger boys alone. yeosang was beginning to calm down a bit, and hongjoong just sat in shock, gripping san's hand.

"i-i'm so sorry..." hongjoong muttered.

"joongie... you have nothing to be sorry for," san started, squeezing the boy's hand. "you didn't know. you couldn't have known..."

"i-i should've known though... yunho did stay here for a week..."

wooyoung helped yeosang over to sit on the free bed, the boy still feeling extremely anxious.

"it's okay, joongie," wooyoung reassured.

"i-i don't blame y-you," yeosang whimpered, trying his best to control himself and not burst into tears again.

"y-you don't?"

"w-who made the f-first move?" yeosang asked.


"w-who suggested g-going to y-your room?"


"there you go. it's not your fault, joong," san asserted.

"i-i still feel bad..." he sighed.

"d-don't..." yeosang said, sighing as he finally felt his breath beginning to even out. "he doesn't deserve you, and he doesn't deserve me. h-he's an asshole. it's not your fault that he decided you were going to be his next target. you deserve better..."

but this time, yeosang was wrong. they all were.

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