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san was thinking about wooyoung the entire train ride to campus. every detail he had caught about the boy's face, the way his hair fell into his eyes... it was all on san's mind. he had realized on the way to the platform that he had forgotten to find a way to contact wooyoung, mentally face palming himself. he decided that he'd walk that route around the same time each morning and make himself a little early getting to campus in order to hopefully run into wooyoung again.

the first thing that san had noticed about the boy was how distraught he looked. san, being the person he was, wanted to help him. he wanted to put a smile on wooyoung's gorgeous face. he often did this as a way to distract himself from his own thoughts, but something about wooyoung drew him in. he wanted more than just to help wooyoung.

"san, are you okay? you seem a bit out of it.." hongjoong asked, worried.

it was always hongjoong checking in like this. san appreciated it, however always lied to keep the older from worrying too much.

"what? oh, yeah... i just ran into this boy earlier, and he was—"

"your dream guy?" mingi finished, getting a bit excited for san.

"i don't know... it wasn't a huge interaction, really. we weren't paying attention and bumped into each other, both of us fell and asked each other if we were okay, i got really awkward and ended up asking him if he wanted to get coffee or something because he looked upset, he couldn't so we were going to get some another day but i forgot to ask him for his number.."

"well that was a lot," jongho remarked.

"i'm sorry, san..." hongjoong frowned. "maybe you guys will run into each other again sometime and you can get his number then?"

"i hope so..."

"what's his name?" jongho asked. "did you at least find that out?"

"wooyoung... his name is wooyoung."

"huh, that sounds a bit familiar. i can't figure out why though..." hongjoong said.

"wooyoung's a pretty common name, joong. you probably have a wooyoung in one of your classes or something. i'm not gonna get my hopes up by this..."

hongjoong sighed and hugged san lightly, giving san a bit of much needed strength. it was the little things his friends did for him that made him stay. they were his motivation.

"sannie, are you tired? you were up really early this morning..." hongjoong asked.

"a little, but i can just rest on the ride home," san shrugged.

"no, take a nap in my bed. san, you need to take care of yourself. please..."

"only for you, joong. and not for too long, either."

"as long as you get some rest, it works for me."

san laid down in hongjoong's bed and closed his eyes, surprisingly falling asleep fairly quickly while the three other boys talked quietly. they were all relieved that san had accepted hongjoong's request, a little worried about his personal life. san was not open about his life, not in the slightest. none of the boys knew what his home life was like, san had always dodged the topic. they assumed there was something though, and they made quite the effort to make sure he always had a safe place with them.

it was around two hours later that san woke up, his mind still on wooyoung. his friends greeted him and they made some small talk, then san gave them a serious look.

"i need to find him..."

"who? wooyoung?" mingi asked.

"yes... i need to find him, mingi. i'm worried..."

"worried? why? you barely know the guy..." jongho remarked.

"i just need to find him, okay? the look on his face when we went our own ways... i didn't like it."

"do you think he was going to hurt himself?" hongjoong asked, his voice wavering.

san gently reached over and squeezed hongjoong's hand, knowing exactly what the boy was thinking about.

"i'm not sure, joong... he just looked so helpless.. so empty. i don't like that i left him there..."

"here's an idea, san. why don't you go out either later when you go home or around the same time as this morning and see if you run into him?" jongho suggested.

"i guess... but what if he doesn't show?"

"when you go home, we'll start searching instagram, facebook, any and every platform that he could possibly be on. we'll try to find him for you," hongjoong explained, running his thumb over san's hand.

"but you don't even know what he looks like..."

"then describe him. we'll do our best, okay?"

"o-okay... he has shaggy black hair for starters... it's not too long, but i think it would fit in a ponytail. um.. h-he has these beautiful dark brown eyes, i'm sure that when he's happy they sparkle and light up the room. oh! he's also got this mole under his eye... kind of like that kid hyunjin in our class? and his lips... his lips are perfect. i-i can't even fully describe them. they're plump and gorgeous, a perfect pink... oh! and he has a mole on his lips too."

"god, he's whipped already," jongho snickered.

san blushed in embarrassment but laughed along with the group, secretly starting to feel a bit insecure. the boy was no stranger to this feeling, his friends often made little jokes like this about each other, however san would always secretly take them personally.

he couldn't help it though, it was just who he was.

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