- twenty three -

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tw / brief (and i mean VERY brief) mentions of abuse & suicidal ideation

san managed to finish his work early sunday morning, meaning that wooyoung would finally be able to bring san to some of the places that made him happy. this excited wooyoung, and he could barely wait until san was out of the shower and dressed.

"woo... baby, calm down," san chuckled, putting his shirt on. "you're going to wear yourself out before we even leave~"

"i'm just so exciteddd," wooyoung said, smiling brightly.

"i can tell... i'm excited too y'know," san muttered, wrapping his arms around wooyoung's waist.

"i love you..."

"i love you more, woo... let's get going, yeah?"

wooyoung smiled and nodded, grabbing san's hand and pulling him out of the house. san laughed a bit and the two made their way down the street. san watched wooyoung lovingly as he was guided to their first destination.

it wasn't long before the two were at what appeared to be an abandoned playground, confusing san.

"this is where i met yeosang. we were seven, this used to be the playground for the elementary school. they tore down the school and rebuilt it two years after we met, but yeosang and i would still come play here all the time. it was such an important part of my childhood, just the thought of it makes me happy," wooyoung explained with a smile.

"i used to love playgrounds..."

"good," wooyoung giggled, pulling san over to the swings.

san laughed and followed then the boy, a small smile on his face as the two sat down and began to swing. his smile grew at the sound of wooyoung's laugh as they swung high in the air, his heart beginning to beat a bit faster. for a split second, san actually felt as though he deserved to be alive, and he was grateful that he was.

the two spent around an hour at the playground, laughing and playing around on the structures. wooyoung noticed that san had a smile plastered on his face, and he couldn't help but stare at the boy.

"why are you staring?" san asked teasingly.

"because you look so... wow," wooyoung said lovingly, his eyes full of admiration.

"woo... stop it," san laughed, blushing.

"i can't help it! you look amazing, sannie..."

"thank you, love... that means a lot to me," san muttered softly, getting a bit shy.

wooyoung moved towards san and wrapped his arms around him, hugging the latter close to his body. everything felt right.

"i'm tired, let's go get some food," wooyoung insisted.

san pressed a soft kiss to wooyoung's forehead before agreeing, then the two of them started to walk again. wooyoung led san to a small diner, smiling brightly as they walked inside.

"what's the story behind this place?" san asked, taking wooyoung's hand as they were seated.

"this place started out as somewhere my family would go to celebrate jisu and my achievements, as well as the ends of school years. in high school, after yeosang and i met seonghwa and yunho, the four of us came here every week, just for fun. it holds a lot of happy memories for me," wooyoung explained.

"woo? do you miss seonghwa?"

wooyoung shrugged a bit, no visible expression on his face.

"kind of? i'm still mad at him though... he hurt you, yeosang, yunho, and myself, not to mention joongie. whatever bond we used to have probably won't be able to be fixed at this point, i don't know..."

san nodded, squeezing wooyoung's hand a bit. the two ordered and sat in silence for a moment, then san decided to speak up.

"thank you..." san blurted out.

"for what?"

"for today... for never giving up on me... for saving my life..."


"remember when you said we were meant to meet?"

wooyoung nodded, holding onto both of san's hands eagerly.

"the day we met i was on my way to the train station so i could hang out with joongie, mingi and jongho. the night before was one of the hardest nights of my life... m-my dad beat the living shit out of me, called me so many things that made me debate ending it all... i-i knew i shouldn't, but the next morning when i was walking to the station... i thought of not going at all. i thought of just going back to my house a-and doing it, ending everything. b-but then i bumped into you.

"i bumped into you and everything paused for a moment. something about you drew me in immediately and it made me want to stay... s-so i went to campus, and i told my friends about you. i was so mad at myself for forgetting to ask for your number, and they seemed to figure out quickly how important it was to me that i find you. if i hadn't found you when i did, they were going to search social media and go through every wooyoung they could find until they found the boy i described... you.

"you are the light of my life, wooyoung. every day i wake up and i'm grateful that i made the choice to stay, and it's all because of you."

"san," wooyoung muttered softly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"no, no... no crying, baby..." san cooed, cupping wooyoung's cheeks.

"san, you have no idea how much that means to me... i love you so, so much..."

"i love you more, woo..."

san pressed soft kisses to wooyoung's forehead then smiled, staring into the boy's eyes.

"that might be the most genuine smile i've ever seen on your face, sannie..."

"you really think so?"

wooyoung nodded, moving some hair from san's eyes.

"i don't know what this feeling is, i-i don't think it's happiness just yet, but i think i'm on my way there," san admitted.

"i'm happy for you," wooyoung smiled.

"i have no idea what i'd do if it weren't for you, woo. thank you..."

"thank me? for what?"

"just... thank you for being my everything."

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