- five -

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tw / mentions of abuse

wooyoung woke up the next morning with san's arms still around him. he looked at the clock on his bedside table and noticed it was nearly noon, meaning san had slept through his morning classes and wouldn't be able to catch the train in time for his afternoon classes either.

"san..." wooyoung whispered, gently shaking the boy. "san, wake up.."

san groaned a bit and held onto wooyoung tightly.

"san, it's noon... you slept through your classes..."

san shot up hearing this, accidentally banging his head into wooyoung's chin.

"oh my god... san, are you okay? i'm so sorry..." wooyoung said with worry, gently cupping one of san's cheeks as the older grabbed his head.

san didn't answer, clenching his teeth in pain and looking away from wooyoung.

"hey, talk to me... are you okay?"


"i'll go get you some ice... stay here."

"n-no... i need to go, i need to get to the train station..."

"san, stop it. you and i both know there's no way you'll make it to your class on time. just stay here and let me help you..."

"no... wooyoung, no i-i need to go, i can't miss—"

"stop. san, stop. look at me," wooyoung begged, holding onto san's shoulders gently but firmly.

san looked into wooyoung's eyes, fear clouding his own, and wooyoung's filled with both care and worry.

"calm down... it's gonna be okay. it's one day of classes, you probably needed the rest anyways. just relax, okay? i'm gonna go grab you some ice and i'll be right back."

san nodded, sighing a bit. he had never missed class before, so he supposed maybe one day wouldn't hurt. that didn't make him any less nervous though.

soon, wooyoung arrived back with ice for san's head. he sat beside the older and held the ice to his head. san whimpered a bit at first, but quickly relaxed as his pain was eased. wooyoung rubbed his back lightly and san really felt in that moment that he could fully open up to wooyoung, a feeling that he had never really felt before.



"i-i'm sorry..."

"don't be sorry, san. i promise, you don't have to be sorry."

san sighed and leaned into wooyoung a bit, who hadn't felt this comforted since before his sister had passed.

"i should tell you..." san started, growing tense.

he had never told anyone about his life at home, not even his closest friends.

"m-my parents... they've been abusing me for years. my dad physically and verbally, my mom just verbally. i-i want to leave so bad, but i won't be able to go to university if i don't stay..."

"san... no amount of schooling is worth staying in an abusive household..." wooyoung started softly. "i'm sorry.. so sorry that you've been dealing with this alone. you don't have to handle this alone anymore though, i'm here."

"woo.. i can't drag you into this... you don't deserve that."

"well, you don't deserve to get abused!" wooyoung said angrily. "we're in this together now... i want to be your safe place."

"you— what?"

"i feel like i've known you my whole life, san. we may still be getting to know each other, but i know that we were meant to meet each other. a-after my sister died... i didn't think i would ever feel like this ever again. you make me feel safe, now i want you to feel safe too."

san stared at wooyoung in awe of what he had just admitted. he couldn't believe that he made wooyoung feel safe, he didn't think he could help anyone that much.

"you mean that?" san asked.

"of course i do... when you go home later to get some stuff, bring some extra things to keep here. that way if things ever get bad, you can come here."

"y-you're letting me stay there?"

"only until we figure something else out.. i can tell you like going to this school, i don't want you to be kept from that."

"thank you..." san whispered. "no one's ever been this willing to help me..."

"san... i'm sure your friends would be willing to help you too... do they know at all?"

san shut down a bit at wooyoung's question, but not visibly. san just shrugged in response and rested his head on wooyoung's shoulder.

instead of pushing san for an answer, wooyoung simply adjusted himself so that both boys were comfortable, then put his tv on. soon, san had fallen asleep again, leaving wooyoung alone with his thoughts.

he wanted to know what this weird feeling was inside of him, and why he only felt it when things had to do with san. he felt guilty for feeling this odd sense of happiness in san's presence when his sister wasn't around.

oh my god, he thought. i think i might like san.

yuhhhhh we love the woosan dynamic

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