- six -

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san had been staying at wooyoung's a couple nights each week to escape his parents and help wooyoung get to sleep. he hadn't spoken about his own troubles since the night he'd shown up to wooyoung's with a black eye and heavily bruised arms. he hadn't even bothered to show wooyoung any of the new bruises that had shown up.

wooyoung was worried, but decided that he should trust san and that he would talk about things if they were bad.

the two sat in wooyoung's bedroom, discussing san's day at school while the older worked on his homework.

"my friends used to come over sometimes and do homework while we hung out... that was back in high school though."

"are your friends in university now?"

wooyoung nodded and looked away, sighing a bit. he somewhat regretted choosing not to go to university. he missed his friends a lot.

"do you miss them?"

wooyoung nodded again, scratching his arm a bit. san got up from where he sat at wooyoung's desk and sat in front of the boy, gently taking his hands.

"you know if you miss them, you can always go visit them, right?"

"i-i know... i just feel guilty when i leave home.."

"why's that?"

"jisu..." he whispered.

"your sister?"

wooyoung's eyes filled with tears as he nodded. san quickly pulled him into a hug, allowing the boy to let his tears fall.

"shh... woo, it's okay... you're okay, i'm here," san said softly, rubbing wooyoung's back to soothe him.

as wooyoung began to calm down, san gently pulled away from the latter and began to fix his hair, then gently wiped away his remaining tears.

"woo... why do you feel guilty leaving home because of your sister?"

"i'm able to go places... she lost that ability. i feel like i'm leaving her behind when i go outside of this town..."

"you know she'd want you to be happy, right? she'd want you to do all the things she didn't get the chance to do..."

"you didn't even know her..."

"i know i didn't.. but that doesn't mean i can't assume the best about her. you two clearly had a good relationship... don't you think she'd want you happy?"

wooyoung nodded, sniffling a bit.

"i'll come with you.. if you want."

"could you?"

"of course. anything for you," san said with a soft smile.

wooyoung smiled small, then began to rub his eyes a bit and yawned.

"take a nap, i'll be right over at your desk if you need me."

"but i can't fall asleep without you... will you lay with me, sannie?"


"pleaseeeeee," wooyoung begged, pouting.

san chuckled a bit and nodded, laying down and pulling wooyoung down with him.

"just for a little while though, i still have work to do."

wooyoung nodded and cuddled into san's side, closing his eyes. the moment was peaceful, allowing wooyoung to fall asleep easily. san watched to make sure he was fully asleep before he got up and grabbed his work, deciding he would do what he could sitting next to wooyoung in case he woke up in tears.

wooyoung had only ever had a nightmare in san's presence once, but it wasn't pretty. it took san nearly fifteen minutes to get wooyoung to snap into reality, the boy had been screaming and he couldn't seem to grasp that his nightmare wasn't real. it scared san, but he knew he couldn't just leave wooyoung like that. he had to be strong and help him.

san continued to do his homework, wooyoung clinging to his side a bit. things were going well until wooyoung started to grip san tighter, telling san that something was wrong. san put his homework aside and gently started to shake wooyoung.

"wooyoung... hey, wake up. it's just a dream, woo... you're okay," san said softly.

it took a few minutes of shaking wooyoung and repeating this for san to get him awake, and when he did, the boy looked extremely distraught.

"san..." wooyoung muttered, clinging to san's body.

"i'm here, woo... it's okay..."

wooyoung rested his head on san's chest and sighed.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

wooyoung shook his head, shivering a bit. san pulled the blanket up over them, allowing wooyoung to get comfortable.

"just stay here... please."

san being the most precious angel & caring so much abt wooyoung yes i'm soft for them

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