- thirty two -

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yunho and mingi laid in the younger's bed, cuddling, a movie playing on mingi's laptop. yunho's eyes were closed, the boy enjoying the feeling of mingi's fingers running through his hair. the two were an unofficial thing, but mingi desperately wanted for them to be more. yunho, however, was terrified of what would happen.

"yunho... hey, are you awake?" mingi whispered softly, moving his hand to yunho's waist.

"hm?" he responded, turning his head to see mingi.

"can we talk?"

"aren't we talking right now?"

"yuyu... i'm serious."

yunho sighed a bit, nodding. he knew exactly what mingi wanted to talk about, but he just wanted to avoid it a little bit longer. yunho knew that he was incapable of love, or at least that's what he thought. but deep down, he loved mingi, he really did. he was just terrified of the feeling.

"okay, fine... just... one kiss before we do?" yunho asked, almost whining for it.

"i could never say no to a proposition like that..." mingi smiled softly, cupping yunho's cheek.

the boys' lips collided and yunho quickly heated up the kiss, hoping he could distract mingi for a few minutes, if not longer. mingi gently pushed yunho off of him upon realizing, carefully holding the boy's hips once they had parted from each other.

"stop it, yunho... i know what you're trying to do, but we can't avoid this any longer."

"i-i know," yunho admitted shyly.

"let me take you on a real date. would you be willing to try that? i know you're scared, but i promise... i'm not going to hurt you."

"i-i don't know, mingi... i'm just—"

"hey, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself... just hear me out, okay?"

yunho nodded, beginning to play with his fingers nervously. mingi quickly noticed and took the boy's hands in his own, pressing a soft kiss to his fingers before speaking.

"you are capable of love, yunho. i know you've said you don't think you are, i know you're worried you'll lead me on. but we have something, whether you'd like to admit it or not. i can't see myself with anyone but you, and i don't want to see myself with anyone but you. you mean everything to me. absolutely everything. i know this is all kind of new to you, i know you've never liked talking about relationship stuff, but if there's a reason for it, don't be afraid to tell me. i'm here for you, yuyu. i always will be."

"mingi..." yunho whispered, his voice breaking slightly. "i-i don't know what to say..."

"you don't have to say anything, babe... just c'mere, gimme a hug."

yunho gladly melted into mingi's arms, holding onto him like there was no tomorrow. he knew he could trust mingi, he was sure that whatever he told the boy would be taken seriously. he was just terrified that he would end up embarrassing himself — a fear he didn't often have.

"we both know i like you... i-i'm just so scared, mingi... i haven't been in a relationship since sophomore year of high school, a-and that relationship... i-it broke me."

"yuyu... it's okay, you don't have to tell me about it if you're not ready... i'm here for you, you know that," mingi assured the boy, rubbing his back gently.

"i-i was cheated on a-and lied to, over and over. i-i'm bad at trusting people because of that... a-and i'm always so worried that the trust i build will be broken."

"yunho, do you trust me?" mingi asked, looking into the boy's eyes.

"i-i do... i really do."

"one date, that's all i'm gonna ask for, okay? we'll take this slow if that's what you need. let me take you on one date and then we'll see if you're ready for something more official. if not, i'll keep on asking you on dates. i'll prove to you that you are the only boy i have eyes for, and i'll give you any reassurance you need. you can take as long as you need, yuyu, i'm not going anywhere."

"y-you'd do that for me?" yunho asked with puppy eyes.

"only for you."

"okay... i'll give it a shot. one date, and we'll see where things go."

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