Hannibal X Reader

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(Anthony Hopkins version specifically unless you no like.)

You avoided his eyes everytime barely ever saying a word to him as well your twin brother Will didn't notice right away until Hannibal asked why you were off around him. Then the next couple times Hannibal invited Jack, Alana, Will, and you to dinner Will noticed and asked you the second time as he was taking you home what was wrong. Because you weren't like that around Jack, Alana, and your brother you were sarcastic, witty, and an eye for details in a murder even your brother couldn't see you did have a more creative side too though. Painting anatomy related murals that almost looked nightmareish, kickboxing at a gym and going rather hard on your opponents, and snuggling up with your Shiba Inu Toasty and your Husky Reaper watching horror movies. At first you ignored your brothers question till he put the locks on the car door and had a "really?" expression when you tried to get out to enter your small house you sighed annoyed and said his presence intimidates the crap out of you yet you're also insanely attracted to him and his personality. Will nodded and thanked you for telling him he knew he was the only one you ever told secrets to sometimes you just forgot he was your brother in a sense. The next night however was another Dinner date with the Cannibal I mean Hannibal you really didn't want to go now that Will knew your secret of why you were odd around Hannibal Will told Alana who was also going to be attending Jack had a night planned for him and his wife this time. Hannibal understood and said it wasn't an issue if he wasn't coming family first he said and so far it was just Alana and Hannibal setting the table she called and told him she got done with work early and offered to help him with dinner if he was okay with her early arrival.

Alana was setting the table and Hannibal called for her "Alana? May I ask you something?" He asks as he is preparing food "sure Dr. Lecter, what's on your mind?" She replies curious as she enters the kitchen once more. "It's about Will's sister..." He starts trying to hide the concerned look "Y/N? What about her?" She asks confused "it seems to me she possibly dislikes me...o-or is terrified of me..." He says as he puts down the chef's knife beside the apples he was slicing. "Afraid of you? Hannibal she's seen more mutilated bodies than i can remember if anything she's just a little intimidated maybe even attracted to you" she tells him "attracted to me?" He asks he's definitely attracted to you especially the dresses you've worn to his dinner partys that he definitely loved on you. Will and Alana also had a plan to leave you with Hannibal...for the night... you've dated one woman and one man in your life so far both cheated on you after a long time of the both of you being together you just kinda didn't care about the dating scene at this point, the effort. Then you met Hannibal and he for sure made you change your mind but to yourself he was out of your league Alana and Will have told you that you are a gorgeous young woman who shouldn't back down instead fight back. You had some held in rage as a teenager you broke your bullies ankle after she started a rumor about you which crossed the line she was just jealous you'd have little admirer notes in your locker probably because you were one of the boys and weren't a prissy thing like most of your generation. "Well, why don't you pull her aside when she gets here and ask? If you don't believe me that is" Alana tells him "Probably not the worst idea, perhaps after dinner though I'd rather not cause a scene with her if it happens" he says agreeing with Alana.

Meanwhile you and Will were pulling up to the house telling you that you needed to talk to Hannibal and see that he isn't that bad and he does genuinely like having you around you're a delight to him. "Alls I'm saying Y/N is that he isn't that bad and you shouldn't be intimidated by him" Will says throwing his hands up in defense "you try resisting the urge to kiss him Will and confess your feelings, I fuckin dare you" you say staring him dead in the eye. "Let's go inside shall we?" He says changing his mood and heading for the front door you sigh following him he rings the doorbell as you reach the stairs. You wait with your arms crossed looking of to the side shyly and concerned Hannibal opens the door with a soft smile "Will, Y/N please do come in" he says camly Will gestures for you to go in first you sigh doing so and avoided Hannibal's eyes. Will noticed the slight hurt in his eyes when you brushed by him ignoring him and followed you inside you and Will joined Alana as Hannibal followed you two he definitely noticed how beautiful you looked tonight but you ignoring him he noticed more. Hannibal went on and brought out dinner dishing the four of you up you nodded in thanks still not being able to muster up a single word.

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