Freddy x Penelope x Jason

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Freddy decided to be a prick, again...he stole Jason's mask off his nightstand and hid it somewhere in the house while he was beating Freddy to a pulp her and Brahms were looking everywhere Jason takes care of those two most of the time. He is THE super mom she called to Brahms down the hall that she found it he walked back to Penelopes bedroom it was under her bed "why would Freddy hide it there?" Brahms asks "because Freddy's still pissed i ripped off his arm, it grew back! But we should go take it back now" Penelope gasps "it's cracked!" She quickly fishes through a pile on the floor and puts a Darth Vader band aid over the crack Brahms smiles and picks her up and sets her on his shoulder walking downstairs. "Mama I found your mask!" She chirped as they both see Freddy get yeeted into the entry way of the house Penelope giggled as Brahms set her down she skipped to the direction Freddy was yeeted from and sees Jason sitting on the couch looking pissed. "Mama, Brahms and i found it" she says holding it up in front of her Jason smiles at the band aid over the crack and puts his mask on then picking her up holding her like the "innocent" cinnamon roll she is. He wrote in his hello kitty notepad "Thank you Penelope, want a cookie?" It read she nodded excitedly "yes please" Jason's mom brought over more cookies this morning and they were Penelope's absolute favorite like kat nip for alien demons or Penelope she doesn't let Pennywise get close enough for a cookie. Jason scooped up the Pink and Purple Munchkin and took her to the kitchen setting her on a counter top Jason hands her a huge snickerdoodle cookie she smiles hugely "thank you Mama" she says.

Jason nods and pets her head while she eats the cookie and him lifting his mask enough to eat one himself Brahms comes up behind her on the island counter and wraps his arms around her. "Hi Brahm" she says says with a mouth full of cookie Jason offers him a cookie "no thank you mother, i was just coming to see my sister" he says giving Penelope a squeeze she squeaks in reaction. Jason writes in his notebook "Brahms why don't you take Penelope to the living room and draw or something for a bit?" Brams nods at the note and scoops up the girl making her squeal and giggle. Brahms chuckles slightly at her he loved having a sister he even let her put bows in his hair and do his nails and in return she loved it when Brahms read out loud to her especially when he read Silence Of The Lambs. She's had a huge crush on Hannibal for a long time and has only met him a couple times and hasn't told him or anyone other than Brahms she made him pinky swear not to tell he had to keep it for sure then. She clung to Brahms as the reached the living room he sighed trying to get her on the couch so he sat down with her on him like a baby chimp to it's mom he reached over and grabbed some paper and her crayons as well as a flat hardcover book for a surface. Penelope kinda rolled off him and scooted close beside him and watched him setting up tic tac toe on a piece of paper he placed a red X in the bottom left. She grabbed a yellow crayon and put an O in the middle right Brahms gave her a side hug later after several matches of tic tac toe Penelope grew tired once Brahms made his move he nudged her for her turn. "PenPen?" He whispers "Penelope?" He says Brahms smiles under his mask he carefully moves her off him and lays her down on the couch "mother?" He calls entering the kitchen to find Jason isn't there. He heads upstairs to indeed find Jason while he's folding Penelope's clothes "mother Penelope fell asleep should i wake her?" He asks curious Jason writes "No, but do you mind bringing her upstairs if she's asleep?" Brahms nodded and left Jason finished putting away the clothes just as Brahms was carrying her into the room.

Jason pulls back the blankets allowing Brahms to lay her down he does so carefully before removing his mask and kissing her forehead then leaving to read. Jason leans down and does the same but as he was leaving Penelope grabs his jacket sleeve he flinches and looks back at her "mama can you stay still i fall asleep?" She asks cutely Jason sighs but nods. He sits beside her twin bed and holds her little hand like always when Penelope wanted him to stay her eyes flutter as she starts falling back asleep Jason didn't know but Penelope had been having nightmares. This even Brahms didn't know, Jason doesn't know Penelope saw him get killed once and that scarred her but each night it was a different way she was forced to watch him die in. She never experienced death not even Reginald her bunny she would be so heartbroken at that after the first dream she shot up in her bed and froze she couldn't even scream. She didn't want anyone worrying about her so she played it like she was fine mentally she was the polar opposite of fine she didn't ever want to see that happen to Jason again it was a total accident her seeing this. She was headed back to Jasons from Hannibals he walked with her and he was horrified seeing Penelope horrified he tried shielding her eyes but she fought to look.

Hannibal wanted to tell Jason he really did but didn't want Penelope to hate him for telling which she could never really hate Hannibal angry with yes but never hate. Jason waiting till he knew for sure she was asleep he removed her hand from his and she didn't even stir luckily Freddy watched over her while she slept making sure those nightmares didn't come back. The fourth nightmare she had she cried out Dad and Freddy showed up in her nightmare springing into action to protect the kid so since then Freddy made sure she'd sleep peacefully. It was a very love hate relationship between Freddy and Jason but they both care about that kid even though she ripped Freddy's appendage off when they first met he didn't care about that just her safety. "Daddy?" She calls "right here kiddo" she whips around and tackles him to the floor in a bone crushing hug "miss me or something?" Freddy teases "i always miss you Daddy..." She giggles. "Good, sorry you didn't get to see me earlier..." She sighs "why do you always have to be a burnt butt face to mama?" She pouts. "Hey Jason left it in your room the other night but went ahead and assumed i did it" he tells her " that's why he yeeted you across teh hall?" She asks "yep, don't worry princess we got it sorted out when you were with Brahms" he says while petting her head. "Good, I don't want a different Daddy..." She says snuggling up to him "so young lady i heard you liked a certain someone" Freddy teased "what do you mean?" She asks "Hannibal" he says knowingly she blushes and hides her face he chuckles. "So you do?, How about this i put you in a dream with him?" He asks she smiles excitedly "really?!" She squeaks "sure thing princess" he says before disappearing and shes in Hannibals living room. "Penelope? There you are sweetheart" Hannibal says entering the room "Hanni!" She squealed and giggled "come here you little trouble maker" he says offering his hand she sighs "Hanni, i need to tell you something" she says before taking his hand. "Oh? And what might that be PenPen?" He asks "n-nevermind..." She says shying away at least if she said it in a dream she'd feel a little bit better that she said it out loud "ah ah, you got me curious now what is it?" He asks kneeling to her level. She quickly leaves a kiss "i-i love you...?" she says nervously he smiles "i love you too Penelope" he says pulling her into a hug but it wasn't a dream version of Hannibal.

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