Dracula X Reader 2

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(Specifically Sir Christopher Lee's version change it as you read if you wish.)

You were his Maid, the only Maid as a matter of fact you were carefully chosen to where if you saw something you shouldn't you wouldn't speak a word of it so he wouldn't have to kill you. You cleaned for him and fetched this odd smelling wine if he so desired tea on occasion you were only required there in the evenings you heard he was an odd man but you didn't think much of it. You figured he was gone during the day while you were at home then wanted company in the evenings not that you said much but you knew he was watching you. Occasionally you caught him staring he looked saddened when you caught him looking at you but you were beautiful just quiet and recently he had offered you a permanent bedroom in his Castle you appreciated the offer you said yes easier than traveling to the castle each night it was dangerous sometimes. You were staying in a small room above a shop your cousin owned she had no issue taking you in so you packed your small bag for your move and have been staying with Count Dracula for about a month now. He had someone else to prep his meals you stayed far away from the kitchen he never needed you there but with him but you had seen something you shouldn't have a girl from town bleeding from her neck and Dracula holding her. You gasped and rushed to your room but he found you and blocked your bedroom "what did you see?" He asked semi sternly you shook your head no "what did you see?" He repeats. Your eyes began to water his gaze then softened "forgive me my dear, I know you won't say a word to anyone..." He says with a soft smile you nodded still afraid for your life. "You won't be my feast tonight I promise you" he then noticed you avoided his eyes he stepped aside letting you retreat to your room he sighed and went back to his bedroom that night hoping for your forgiveness something he never cared about having from anyone but from you he did.

The next day while he was resting you went into town to get some fresh fruit to keep in your room and maybe some pastrys. Draculas "cook" more like his minion informed him you were gone and asked if he'd like him to place the gifts for you on your bed a red silk dress and a red rose beside it. It was there for you when you got home the dress was beautiful  and the rose was so bright and smelled wonderful you set down your basket and admired the dress there was a small piece of parchment beside it. "I beg your forgiveness, my apologies for the fright don't resent me..." You read to yourself "well the dress is beautiful, perhaps trying it won't hurt..." You say begining to change. Dracula was curious if you had returned home the air smelled of your perfume you make yourself which threw him off on occasion he heard you humming a tune and your bedroom door cracked he peeked in an went wide eyed at the sight before him. He could hear your heart beat as you contained your excitement pulling on the dress he smiled slightly it fit you perfectly he watched you button it up and such over your underclothes. He moved away slightly and knocked on your doorframe "Y/N?" He calls calmly you jumped and turned to the door "y-yes my master?" You ask back hesitantly "I request of you to join me in my parlor, do you like the dress?" He asks hiding his curiosity. "Yes master, it's beautiful..." You reply shyly "will you join me?" He asks "y-yes, I'll be just another moment" you tell him before you hear his footsteps fading you let out a shakey breath he was going to kill you for what you saw you knew it. You proceeded to get dressed up aside from the dress and hesitantly made your way to the Parlor he sipped from a golden rimmed chalace a deep red wine it looked like. "You wished to see me?" You ask quietly he looked over to you and gave a soft smile "I did, come sit with me my dear" he says getting up to pull out a chair for you you gave a slight not and quickly went to the chair delicately sitting. He scoots you in and returns to his seat "I hope you can forgive me my dear, perhaps I should've told you why you were selected to be my Maid..." He says with a sigh ashamed of himself. "Oh no, it's quite alright Master..." You tell him "no, it isn't you've been nothing but kind to me and I lied to you" he says looking at you saddened "lied to me?" You ask him.

"I am a creature of the night, a vampire if you will I know I can trust you not to say a word of it... immortality is a lonely thing" he says as you avoid his eyes. "I'm sure one of your brides could keep you company" you tell him looking directly to the floor "they are to distract unwanted attention they aren't the one I love" he says sternly "why can't you look at me?" He asks. "I'm not supposed to make eye contact with my master because I'm lesser than you" you tell him he gets up slowly walking around the table "why don't you look at me?" He asks softer as he places a hand on your cheek. You flinch and pull away at his touch then he grasps your chin making you look up at him you kept your eyes off to the side "answer me my dear" he warns "because..." You start "look at me" he interrupts hesitantly you lock eyes with him butterflies go a flutter inside you meeting his eyes. "I fear I couldn't look away if I met your eyes... it's true" you say shakily "you can't or you don't want to?" He asks with a smirk you quckly jerk your head out of his grasp and abandon your chair. You walk away from him with your arms crossed and your heart pounding he steps closer to you he leans to your ear and whispers "I've heard you calling my name in your sleep my dear..." He pauses for a moment "you beg for my touch" he adds. "If I had known you felt that way I would've made you mine long ago for I have similar feelings" he tells you he brushes his lips alongside your neck "but I can't...not unless it's what you want, if I'm what you want" he hissed. You turn to face him are frustrated internally you want to kiss him but slap him at the same time shakily you glide your hands up to his cloaks collar he glances downward at you curious what you're thinking. You  bite your lip staring at his pale lips quickly you pulled him down to your level into a kiss he wasn't shocked instead he melted into it pressing a hand against your lower back and the other slender hand caressed your cheek as he deepened the kiss. You pulled away slightly you've never had that sort of confidence and bravery before he looks down at you with a smirk and is impressed with you. You looked away embarrassed and bright red in the cheeks he gently caresses your cheek "all you need to do is ask, and we can be together for eternity" he says standing with his arms behind his back politely.

"You'll get used to the craving for blood, I've noticed you dislike the daylight even now" he says with a small smile you smile slightly "it's blinding that's all" you tell him. "Oh I've heard you hiss..." he teases you roll your eyes at him "so what if I have?" You ask "I'd say you were meant to be a Vampire" he jokes and has the sweetest smile on his face. You had a choker necklace covering where he's bit he noticed your fingers were shaking as you hesitantly reached for it he stops your hands and takes them in his. "You don't have to right now, perhaps when you're asleep I can?" He suggests you hesitated "it feels like a small prick of a needle, it would only hurt for a second" he tells you. You quickly took off your choker still trembling "j-just... I'm scared what if I regret it?" You ask "you'll have me with you, that would make it less terrible wouldn't it?" He says you laugh nervously "true..." You say. "Close your eyes and just focus on your breathing" he says as he caresses your cheek you leaned into his touch focusing on your breathing you closed your eyes he leaned down and kissed where he was going to bite you smiled slightly. Your breathing started to quicken as you felt his breath on your neck "relax" he whispers you calm down wincing at the sudden pinch he felt you tense up and kept your hands in his holding them to his heart. He pulls away slightly and licks whats left from where he bit "you taste divine, how do you feel?" He asks a little concerned "dizzy..." You whine before hiding your face against his chest he nods. "It's natural I promise you, you'll feel better once you've rested" he says "I won't make you sleep in a coffin just yet" he jokes you cling to him a little tighter before dropping unconscious in his arms he decides to pick you up and carry you to a bedroom bridel style. He lays you down in a large bed and brushes hair out of your face and kisses your forehead "perhaps I should bring her someone for when she wakes..." He says before leaving your bedside. He was feeling ravenous himself, but not for the blood of a human for more of your blood it was something he had never tasted before so different than the others he's feasted upon.

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