Jimmy Hall x reader (P1...?)

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(Why not? He's someone new. At Dead Of Night is such a good game btw. If you haven't watched a gameplay or played it yourself.)

You and your best and only friend were escaping the hometown you both grew up in you weren't the "perfect" girl your mother wanted your father did try and help but your mother had gotten him thrown in prison. Supposedly he was trying to kidnap you when in reality just take you away from your crazy mother your best friend on the other hand had just inherited a house and large sum of money from her grandmother who had just passed away. Your friends father was similar to your mother he always wanted a boy so tried to get her into sports and becoming an engineer type of thing you both were of legal age to move out. But the basement and first floor of the new house had gotten flooded so repairs were under way for the pipes and the town had a Hotel that seemed nice you two made your way there and there was a girl in front of you talking you the receptionist. You both waited patiently and your friend stepped in front of you to speak "hello sir" she greets "hello to you ladies as well, I'm Jimmy Hall the Proprietor of The Seaview Hotel and there's just you two seeking a stay?" He asks in a friendly curious manner. "Yes please, our new house just got flooded" your friend laughs with a sigh Jimmy chuckles "oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that uh can I get your names please?" He asks "yes of course, I'm Y/F/N and this my best friend Y/N" she chirps. Jimmy smiles up at your friend then his eyes drift to you and his smile became a gentler one when his eyes met yours before he went to write your names your friend covered both rooms she wanted you saving what money you had. Jimmy handed your friend her key while mentioning a comedy act he does in the Hotels Ballroom he went to get yours when he couldn't find it "just a moment..." He starts before fishing through his pockets. "Aha, there we are I forgot I had that one cleaned earlier today" he says as he hands you yours delicately "and would either of you like to take part in the entertainment?" He asks cutely.

"Y/N would love to right?" Your friend asks you giving you a friendly nudge "she loves stand up" she says with a smile "really? Would you like too?" He asks you shyly you nodded with a small smile. "Well I'll see you in the morning Y/N okay?" Your friend tells you as she hugs you before heading to the elevator you nod and look back to Jimmy he looks to you concerned "now whats eating you miss Y/N?" He asks you shy away from him. "No no no I assure you I don't bite whats wrong?" He asks again as he gently takes your hand you sigh "we ran away from our hometown, my friends grandmother left her estate to her and we were able to escape" you quietly tell him. "Well I won't push anymore questions onto you, I'm relieved you two did get away perhaps you may want to rest anyway" he tells you sincerely you nod slightly "thank you" you tell him started to head for the elevator. "Oh before you go, if you'd like how about a joke?" He asks you smile turning back to him "sure, I'd love to hear one" you tell him "forgive me if this is just cheezy and awful..." He says with a slight laugh. So Jimmy told you this awful joke about death coming for an old man the old man when Death said I'm here for you he replied me too I'll speak up you giggled and agreed it was an awful joke but still funny. "Alright go upstairs to bed now you..." Jimmy teases with a smile you smile too and nod as you go to wait for the elevator he sighs with a smile as you disappear into the elevator. Hugo agreed with Jimmy you were a killer cutie Hugo was willing to spare you give Jimmy some form of satisfaction at least but the others were rude and declined Jimmy's invite to his comedy routine.

"You swear you'll give me control around her?" Jimmy asks Hugo "I swear it Jimmy, she's too sweet and broken like you" Hugo growls the last part of his sentence. Shakily Jimmy grabs his bat and prepares to head upstairs meanwhile you were doing your breathing exercises your friend told you to do to relax before bed to block out your past. But once you were asleep they kicked in you started to dream of the bizarre punishments your mom gave you for not being her perfect little girl you started to struggle to awaken yourself gripping your sheets you managed to let out a cry of pain. Jimmy heard this as he entered onto the first floor and one of the other guest Maya heard you as well "Mr. Hall! Did you hear that?" She asks scurrying over to him "yes that yell right?" He asks as Maya nods "I think it's coming from the one of the rooms at the end of the hall..." They hear you crying out as they got closer. "The room on the left it seems..." Jimmy says before seeing if your door is unlocked luckily it was he of course knocks first "Miss Y/N?" He calls then you let out a real cry of pain which makes both of them burst into your room. You're tossing and turning in your bed tears streaming down your face Jimmy rushes over to try and wake you "Y/N?...Miss Y/N!" He shouts you jolt awake with uneven breathing he jumps at your movement as did Maya "Miss are you okay?" Maya asks entering your room. You curl into a ball rocking yourself back and forth "Maya..." Jimmy starts "I think I can take her from here you should get some rest" Jimmy tells her calmly she nodded and leaves quickly. "Y/N what happened?" Jimmy asks concerned you instantly clung to him hiding your face against his chest he chuckles nervously but wraps his arms around you.

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