Lubdan x reader

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You slept soundly as your best friend watches over you. He was supposedly an "imaginary" friend when you were small no one ever believing you of course but you believed. Anytime a bully of yours or something bad happened to you he'd get a little payback for you. He loved you like his own he meant and means so much to you even though now your a young woman he still watches over you like he did before. However he planned on giving you a gift, never wanting to lose you he found an ancient celtic ring that gives the wearer immortality created by his kind of course there being a catch. But it's only to serve whomever grants it to a human he doesn't ever want to think what would happen if you died he feels he'd died of a broken heart. You being Y/A you still were young and beautiful regardless but he wanted you to stay that way never becoming ill or fragile he secretly developed a crush upon you. He loved your morbid humor oh how you've changed over time. Definitely his type of gal. "Y/N me dear best be wakin up now...for me..." He brushes hair out of your face and disappears as you wake "Lubdan? I coulda sworn h-he wasn't real they said...but he's my only friend" you look down in your hand at a coin of his and smile. "If this really worked and you were real i wish you were right here with me Lubdan...and happy birthday old friend" you kiss the coin and wherever he was he felt that love "she still believes in me...perhaps later tonight i shall show myself to her... it's been years but she hasn't forgotten about me". St. Patricks day here and it had a bigger meaning to you it was Lubdans birthday and every year you visited this spot under a tree where you two used to go when you were small. You were a brave little girl always climbing trees and jumping off high things nearly giving him a heart attack each time. But you never got hurt you were careful. Reckless. But careful.

Realizing it was 2 pm you decided it was best to get up and dressed before you visited the tree. Picking out your favorite attire and doing what you do with your face and hair and slipping on your favorite shoes you left your home to get Lubdans favorite flowers to leave at the tree. He watched you get up and ready and taking your journey he wondered if you remembered his favorite color of his favorite flower. You get to the flower shop and begin looking around confused it must've gotten re arranged recently it looks like it was remodeling it definitely was brighter. You feel a tap on your shoulder "ma'am can i help you?" You turn around to see a young girl about your age you smile "yes actually do you have any yellow lilies?" "Oh yeah! I-i keep them up by the register they're my favorites...." You nod as you follow her "so may i ask who these are for?" You smile "a dear friend of mine... it's his birthday and these are his favorites...". She smiles "how you a little St. Patrick card to go with them?" You giggle "what?" She asks "oh my friends hardcore irish... I don't know if he'd find it cute or offensive" she laughs "ouch and his birthday is today? How about the pretty white one with just clovers?" You nod "that'll work". She hands it to you to write in "Happy Birthday old friend wishes and all my love" she smiles "know him a long time huh?" You nod "all my life...oh how much do i owe?" She shakes your head "on the house ma'am" you smile "thanks miss....?" "Andrea" "thanks Andrea...see you around" she smiles and nods. And you begin making your way to the tree that at least used to lead to his home you hoped maybe this year you'd see him proving you weren't crazy to yourself. Eventually getting to a part of the city with only a few houses here and there you reach it and in his home he was preparing to go after his beautiful young bride. Which wasn't you. He heard your voice "Lubdan if your real and you can hear me please show yourself...i miss were my only friend..." You sigh and he feels a pang of hurt in his heart. "Happy Birthday" you say as  you place the flowers in front of the tree" he appears behind the tree listening to you "it's been 10 years...what happened Lubdan? Give me a sign..." He quietly steps out from hiding and sighs seeing your beautiful face in your hands "me dearest Y/N I'm sosorry for any pain i may have caused ye...".

You snap your head upwards to see your friend "L-lubdan?" He smiles "ay lass it's me... I would've been back around sooner me dear but some complications occured" you smile. "I wouldn't believe what I've gone through over the years" he chuckles "i know...i may not have been around ye but i was always watching, i never stopped caring about you but as i saw you grow up i feared ye never needed me..." You frown. "Lubdan that's not true just because i grew up doesn't mean i don't need you..." He sighs "i realize that now...and what's with ye tears lass?" He steps closer to you and drags his thumbs under your eyes "a beautiful young woman shouldn't be crying" you laugh. "That's still what you say to me?" He chuckles "your just as beautiful as ye were as a small yes that is what i say, would ye care to come in?" He gestures to the tree you smile "well it would be a shame to celebrate your birthday alone Lubdan". He nods "true, come along then me dear" magically a part of the tree opens up and you follow behind him the entrance sealing behind you two. "Wow... it's changed since i was last here..." He nods "indeed I've spruced it up a bit over the years...thank ye for noticing" you smile "of course...i hope you liked the lilies" he smiles "I'm surprised ye remembered lass it's been years" you giggle "i could never forget my best friends favorite things...". He gasps "oh Y/N i have a gift for ye..." He quickens his pace into a kitchen like room "take a seat me dear" you nod and sit in a small chair "the flowers please?" You nod and hand them to him. He grabs a golden vase from a cabinet and wanders to the sink letting the water flow a little more than halfway in the vase delicately grabbing the lilies placing them in the vase and then the center of what is a dining table.

You fake cough "Lubdan? You said you had a gift?" He jumps "oh! Of silly of me!" You giggle at him "me dear i was dead for some time, and i know when a human dies they don't..." He sighs. "They don't come back like i do and i don't have the slightest idea what i would do if i lost you Y/N" you smile slightly "oh Lubdan now your the one crying..." You kneel in front of him and do for him what he did for you. He smiles "thank ye lass...anyways i have this" he holds up the golden ring with an emerald in the center "this gives you immortality me dear you'll live forever and never age like i do" you look at it curiously  "there's a catch isn't there?" He nods. "Ay that there be it's to be the leprechauns servant for all eternity...but you're already me dearest friend..." You laugh "is this your way of proposing Lubdan?" He blushes "n-no! I-i wasn't saying that..." You giggle "well if you were...gladly I'd say yes Lubdan" you lean down and kiss his cheek causing him to stiffen giggling you take the ring and put it on the only finger it fits. Your ring finger. "So got any Jameson or something Lubdan? It is your birthday..." He nods "ay that i do" magically two shot glasses and a large bottle appear on the table "ye sure ya can handle whiskey Y/N? I noticed you don't really drink..." You scoff "i can at least have a drink...". He shrugs "if ye say so..." He sits across from you and pours both of you a shot  "to Lubdan my dearest and only friend..." You both toss back your shots you end up coughing "god dam...ack!" Lubdan chuckles "told ye..." You glare "I'll take another" you weeze out. He laughs "ye sound like your about to die  Y/N" you sigh "I can't anymore...not unless you take off the ring" you both smile and laugh it off taking another shot also you sounding like your dying again.

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