Jimmy Hall X Reader 2

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You were about to move into a newly built set of town houses, but the basement in yours and a couple others have flooded due to faulty pipes and the recent thunderstorm caused a tree to crash in through the roof too. A member of the maintenance crew suggested the Seaview Hotel up the way for awhile you grabbed a few of your essential bags and boxes and left your moving van locked up in the lot of the town houses. The other renters had family in the next couple of towns at least you wouldn't be forced to talk to the new neighbors just yet thank goodness, you carried your belongings up the road leading outside of town. The hotel was like a mansion it was pretty cool, definitely had history probably some interesting stuff too you thought you switched the box you were carrying to under an arm as you opened the door. The man at the reception desk looked up curious and saw you struggling a little he quickly got up just as you dropped the box you were shocked to see how quick he was. "O-oh, thanks friend uhm...a-are you the one in charge?" You asked curious. He smiled slightly and nodded "yes... I'm Jimmy Hall, are you needing a room for the night?" He asked gently as he stood up holding the box you nodded with a shy smile yourself "the new town houses got flooded and a tree wrecked mine and one other from the recent storm..." You say like it's just your luck. "Oh my, well let's get you settled then..." He says walking back setting your box on the desk you followed him "here, this room is on floor two would you like me to get this up there for you?" He asks innocently you smiled a little embarrassed "I-If you wouldn't mind Mr. Hall..." You tell him really appreciating the offer. "Oh Mr. Hall was my father please, call me Jimmy" he says sweetly you nodded "sure, Jimmy...u-uhm shouldn't I sign my name in that book?" You asked "oh, haha of course...my apologies" he says sliding it around to you handing you a pen.

You got your name written in the guest book as well as the check in date and payment he guided you to your room and let you open the door, "how long will you be staying then?" Jimmy asked setting your box on the bed. "Well a crew guy said they'd call me when it was ready to be moved into...I-I can pay in advance if needed" you tell him "I-I work from home and I'm not very loud I swear" you tell him with a laugh. He chuckled "well good you're not a noisy neighbor, my room is just down the hallway first on the left if you are to need anything..." He says gently "oh and you can pay in advance for however long you think you'll be staying" he added. He was about to leave but something made you stop him "Jimmy?" You questioned he stopped and look back "yes?" He asked concerned "I-I don't really have any friends, thank you for being so kind to me...e-even if it means nothing to you..." you tell him sincerely. That was really wholesome and tugged at his heart "you're very welcome my dear, would you like to join me for breakfast? Business has been slow and..." He started to explain "I'd love to, I-I do have to work in the morning..." You say "oh? What do you do?" He asks. "Oh I just look over papers online and correct mistakes if there's any and send them up the chain of approval... it's... pretty boring but pays well" you say with a slight laugh. He laughed with you "well you must have hobbies then?" He asks leaning against the doorframe you nodded "yeah...I draw mostly, but I also juggle pretty well..." You tell him a little embarrassed. "Really? Can I see?" He asks excitedly curious you giggled "sure" you say going to your box and pulling out a few thick sketchbooks and a set of juggling balls that looked like something the Joker would have, his colors anyway. "So, which do you want to see first?" You ask him he thinks for a moment biting his lip "I've never known anyone that could juggle..." He starts you nodded and grabbed your juggling balls and made sure you had room for this. You started with just three of them and began so far you haven't fucked up then what got him was using your foot to kick up another ball after a minute another, then another, and another until you had kicked up the final of the seven. Jimmy clapped and was impressed by this you caught four in one hand and three in the other and took about "bravo Miss, bravo" Jimmy compliments you blush slightly "thank you, I don't know how or why I picked up juggling but it's fun" you say proud of it.

"Well I should probably let you rest, I'll come get you when breakfast is ready" he says happily you nodded "okay" you tell him he laughs at himself "I'm sorry, once again I-I didn't even see your name..." He says before he was about to close the door. "It's Y/N" you tell him "I like it, I'll see you tomorrow" he says before closing your door behind him you set your juggling balls on the vanity thing in the bedroom and started to unpack you possibly made a friend and someone who likes your weirdness. Jimmy went back to the ground floor and felt something new you were shy but sweet and had an interesting combination of hobbies maybe you'd show him your drawings during breakfast. In his head Hugo was trying to talk shit that Jimmy could never be with a cutie like you and that you'd be better off dead in Hugos hands but Jimmy wasn't listening. "She's wonderful, I hope she's staying for awhile..." he says before closing up shop and heading to his bedroom you didn't quite go to bed even after getting unpacked you decided to draw Jimmys portrait from memory. You always started with the eyes you noticed a minor detail that you didn't really recall drawing in the reflection of his eyes was another mans silhouette you shook off the weird feeling and thought it was best to go to bed now. Morning rolled around and you were up at your normal time and there was a soft knock at the door, you instantly got up knowing who was waiting "morning Jimmy" you tiredly replied. He smiled a little nervously "as promised I bring breakfast" he humbly says gesturing to the cart "oh you're my hero Jimmy, please come in" you chirp moving aside so he could wheel the cart in your room. "This smells amazing, I-I didn't sleep very much I need fuel" you joked "oh I hate those nights, dreadful" Jimmy says as he uncovers the food he may have guessed but he made your favorite in terms of breakfast food apart from hashbrowns and bacon. "How did you know this was my favorite?" You asked him curious "well, they're my favorite" he replied harmlessly "get out, I thought I was the only monster that did peanut butter on pancakes" you tell him "my mother never understood it" he says with a slight laugh "beats syrup sometimes, my parents never got it either" you tell him.

"I wholeheartedly agree" he says as he takes a seat beside you on your bed "thank you for joining me" you innocently tell him. "Oh the pleasure is all mine Miss Y/N, I don't know how or why but I feel we've been friends forever" he says digging into his food as you do the same. "I feel just the same Jimmy, you're different, like me" you tell him "well now I cannot juggle..." He begins to argue "I'll teach you, never say never Jimmy" you tease. "You just want to see me get hurt" he taunted back with a playful nudge "okay even though the suffering of others is sometimes funny, I'm not a monster like that" you tell him. "So you can be cruel? Alright, good to know" he says as you eat "well yeah, everyone can be" you say with a mouthful he gave a light laugh "and you're a child, I love it" he compliments getting a laugh from you "well thanks, and you're really sweet Jimmy, you are right though it seriously feels like we've known each other forever" you tell him putting your hand on his shoulder. So as the morning went on the two of you enjoyed your breakfast together, and tried teaching Jimmy to juggle and he did get hit in the face in the process. And days with Jimmy turned into weeks and then four months had gone by, you decided to just keep renting the room you had even helping Jimmy gain more staff and he had lately been nervous about something but was afraid to tell you, he really liked you as you felt the same.

It was night, probably 10pm at latest and Jimmy had just checked in a group of hiking teenagers that were here for the music festival that was going to be in town. And Jimmy was currently alone at the front desk as the last of the teens headed for their rooms you peeked out from the door that lead to the staircase connecting each floor. Hesitantly you sped walked up to the desk "hey Jimmy, got a minute?" You asked trying to sound casual but he noticed the nervousy "of course, what's on your mind?" He asked curious. "Well... It's been a few months now but I-I really like you a-and..." You started already screwing up your approaching sentence but he knew what you were going to say instantly. He swiftly placed a gentle kiss on your lips "I didn't think you'd feel the same Y/N, never have I met anyone like you I find you absolutely wonderful and I would love nothing more than having a chance with you" he told you sincerely. You smiled slightly rather excited internally "really? I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same Jimmy..." You replied relieved "how could I not? You're the kindest most strange girl I've ever met but... I-I love every strange bit of you" he says holding a hand to your cheek. You hadn't felt a gentle touch like his in some time, you found yourself leaning into it "how about we go watch those corny horror movies you treasure?" He suggests hoping you say yes. "Hey, Army Of Darkness is not corny...but I accept" you say before wrapping your arms around him "I can't walk with you attached, but..." Jimmy began before quickly scooping you up in his arms getting a yelp from you making him chuckle. "That's a cute reaction" he teased "I will hurt you" you warned him "you won't" he replied before kissing your cheek you pretended to gag like it was gross. "You're such a child, but I love that about you" he says sweetly as you kissed his cheek as he carried you off.

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