Nathan Wallace X Reader

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While all eyes were on Marni, her sister Y/N is the reason she had ever met Rotti and he invited you to dinner when he heard you moved back into the city since he hadn't seen his dear friend in a long time. You asked if you could bring your sister with and he'd never actually met Marni, only had seen pictures and fell in love just by that so he was thrilled and regrettably upon meeting your other dear friend Nathan she began to fall for him. It went unknown to you and Rotti that Nathan and Marni met for awhile, until Marni decided she was leaving Rotti and you didn't know of his plan against Marni even to this day you don't know. Rotti even once had tried to off himself after your sisters funeral but you entered his office and rushed to him getting the gun out of his hand he's said ever since you were an angel that swooped in. You were one of his first Repo Men too, but good friends prior he knew you were a fighter and had strength and precision and at least you Nathan wanted in Shilo's life being his dear friend too. So Aunt Y/N was known to your neice Shilo and she loved getting to see you of course and you were grateful she hadn't ever asked you about Marni yet. Nathan however had been thinking about you a bit more lately and was pondering the thought of moving on but he did have an unhealthy obsession with his dead wife and a bit overbearing towards Shilo you'd admit too. You were jealous when Marni and Nathan got together you'd always been in love with Nathan but would never destroy your sisters happiness, Nathan needed to talk to you he needed his friend now more than ever.

Today was fairly normal, you took a bag some organs for Rotti and have been with Shilo the last several hours you brought her some old clothes of yours she might like. And painted her nails even bringing her a few new books she's been waiting for to come out one of them being a bug book of course. She sighed closing her new bug book "Aunt Y/N?" She questioned "yes Shi?" You replied curious"why doesn't my Dad tell me what my Mom was like?" She asked making you tense at the question. "Shilo my dear it's not my place to say, your Father asked me not to" you tell her as you pack up your small bag shakily and nervous by this "but you grew up with her, you're her sister and I want to know" Shilo begs as she takes your hands in hers. You sighed "your Mother was my best friend, not just my sister and we did everything together" you tell her avoiding her eyes "what else?" Shilo gently asked. "She was the goodie two shoes between us..." You started with a slight laugh and a few tears fell "I had to convince her we wouldn't get caught if we snuck out" you tell Shilo as she smiled slightly. "Did she actually follow you?" Shilo asked letting go of your hands "oh yeah, she was paranoid the whole time when I first took her out...well she woke up wondering where I was going we shared a room back then" you explained to her. "Did you ever get caught?" She asked excitedly "well, we almost did once and your Mother tried taking the blame but I was responsible for once and claimed the blame" you replied not really regretting it. "I wish I could go outside, other than sneaking to my Moms grave..." Shilo huffed "I know, once your Dad finds your cure Shi, it'll be closer than you think kiddo" you tell her holding a hand to her cheek.

"And dam, do you look like your Mother" you bluntly say getting a laugh out of her which gives you the same reaction "there's a smile, but your Father should be home soon I-I better get going" you tell her gently. "Hmh, with the way you avoid my Dad I'd almost say you crush on him" Shilo teased "oh hush your face Shilo, I may have been jealous but that was a lo-..." You were quick to stop yourself right there. "You were jealous of my Mom?" She questioned kind of excited "oh lord..." You huffed with a hand to your forehead "don't you dare say a word of that to your father" you warned Shilo. Meanwhile Nathan was about to knock on the door but sidetracked himself as you were telling Shilo about Marni and was shocked you were jealous of him and Marni, he never would've guessed. You and Shilo froze at the knock on the door "Shilo?, Y/N? Can I come in?" He asked almost sounding worried "yes Dad, it's fine" Shilo replied sitting on the edge of her bed with a sigh. You ignored him as he came in proceeding to put your things away with your breathing shaky "thank you for staying with her Y/N" Nathan softly said before checking going over to Shilo prepping her evening meds for her and you only had gotten one foot out of Shi's bedroom before Nathan spoke. "Y/N if you got a minute I was hoping to speak with you about something important?" He hesitantly asked as Shilo looked to you concerned "of course Nathan, is everything alright?" You asked with your heart pounding. "Everything's fine Y/N, just something that's been on my mind lately..." He calmly replied getting Shilo into bed you proceeded to step out of the bedroom and shortly you were followed by Nathan. As you turned around you right in front of Nathan making you jump and take a step back "hmh, sorry" he replied sweetly "s-so what's been bothering you?" You asked him. "Not here, let's go downstairs" he says heading for the staircase and it took you a moment to follow, you were lost in Nathans eyes briefly so you followed him downstairs and he stopped beside the fireplace.

You remained on the last step of the staircase and looked to Nathan curious "so what is it?" You questioned once more "Y/N, do you think Marni would want me to move on? I'm drowning, wanting her back its suffocating me and it hurts" he cries. "Loss isn't easy to cope with Nathan, you weren't the only one that lost Marni my love" you tell him as you leave the bottom step "but if you're wanting me to be honest..." You began "my love?" Nathan questioned subtly knowing why you said that. "My friend" you correct "you should move on, personally you've been grieving for far too long Nate" you tell him "I couldn't imagine losing the love of my life Nathan, but I know what it's like when the one you love is with another, and you have to suffer in silence" you tell him shakily. He noticed your hands trembling Nathan took your hands in his "Y/N I know you were jealous of Marni, why didn't you ever tell me?" He asked concerned. "Because, you wanted Marni, you loved HER not me" you tell him avoiding his eyes "I couldn't destroy your relationship together, you both were so happy" you say feeling like your heart is getting stabbed confessing this. "I-I have to go, I said too much" you say pulling away from Nathan he kept a hold on one of your hands pulling you back to him allowing his other hand to grasp your chin as he locked eyes with you. Your heart was pounding as you had slight fear in your eyes, "Nathan please..." You began to plead before he swiftly captured your lips with his causing a gasp to escape you. You'd only ever dreamed what if felt like to kiss Nathan never thinking it would ever come true, you went to pull away but he took the opportunity to back you against a wall pressing himself against you. He noticed you weren't fighting it but only slowly melting into his touch you decided to fight back in the kiss fighting his tongue with yours, Nathan was slightly surprised but didn't protest. You both heard a gasp and fading footsteps Nathan being the first to pull back "Shilo?" He called and you both heard her door slam you held a hand over your mouth hoping she saw nothing. "Wait, just a moment Y/N" Nathan tells you softly before leaving a kiss on your lips again and leaving to check on Shilo, you were breathless you didn't know what to think. Mag always thought it was bold of you to hide how you felt about Nathan for Marni, she was surprised when she found this out from you, you didn't know what yours or Nathans next move when he returns.

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